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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • The rule is there to prevent them from releasing info the NTSB hasn’t done a full analysis on, but that’s not the case here. However, the info was already made public by the NTSB, to the Senate nonetheless.

    In what world does it make sense that Boeing can’t repeat the same thing when talking about it? Boeing isn’t even allowed to repeat what the NTSB as publicly said? That’s insane.

    A judge would throw this out of court if it came before them, as a ridiculous waste of the court’s time.

  • This, plus just how egregious was it?

    No one is wanting to read these messages like they’re 50 Shades of Grey or anything like that. Well, there’s probably somebody but that’s not why most want to see it. Clearly it was not bad enough to get the police involved at the time, so we’re talking less than To Catch A Predator.

    Ignoring the age difference for a second, because that part is not relevant to my specific point here… What some people consider flirty, others consider creepy. On a similar note, the same comment coming from a person someone considers attractive and from someone they find ugly often has a completely different reaction.

    Doc says that it crossed a line, that’s not under debate by anyone at this point. He says there were no pictures, etc. exchanged, just messages and there was no intent to meet up or anything like that. On the other side one of the original tweets claimed they were sexting. Peoples definitions of sexting can vary dramatically as well.

    So clearly the messages went over the line of being inappropriate, no argument there from anyone paying attention, but how far over that line was it? Were they truly explicit messages, or just inappropriate within the context of a 35 year old talking to a minor?

  • Yeah, that’s what we’ve been told.

    We were also told this wasn’t an issue to begin with, and issue after issue has happened. So, sorry if at this point I don’t take what Boeing says about their vehicles at face value.

    NASA is reliant on manufacturer info for a lot of things, and that is coming from Boeing. We now know for a fact that Boeing has falsified manufacturing and safety information for over a decade with nearly a dozen whistleblowers coming forwards on the airliner side of the business now, and more every day. If you honestly think that the spacecraft side was 100% insulated from that company culture, I’ve got some great stuff to sell you.

    They assume it can maneuver. They assumed it would dock correctly the first time, before there were multiple failures as well. The last time it moved was to dock with the station and multiple thrusters were inoperative and took quite a bit of time to get working again to dock in the first place. We don’t know that those will work without issue again. Those thrusters have already failed once while up there, failing again isn’t exactly unlikely.

  • Of course they’re not stranded. There are other capsules we can send up to bring them back down, regardless of Starliner’s status. I’d bet SpaceX is preparing a Crew Dragon in the background, regardless whether NASA has asked them to or not. A rescue Dragon ready to go to save Boeing astronauts would be a massive PR win.

    This helium leak that wasn’t an issue on the ground is becoming more and more hilarious to me (because no lives are at risk, just Boeing’s already shit reputation now). A small leak on the ground, no big deal. Even with the leak, it will last like 40+ days. Oh, now there’s 2 leaks… oh now it is 5 “small” leaks. As the days count down and it sits up there attached to the ISS.

    No one is saying it, but I honestly think they’re worried about whether they can even undock and maneuver the capsule away from the ISS safely and reliably. NASA for sure has teams working on all sorts of contingency plans. if it can’t maneuver on its own, either dealing with that airlock being useless for the rest of the Station’s life, and a dead capsule that cannot serve as a lifeboat being stuck there; or if there is a way to get the Canadarm to grab the capsule and chuck it back towards the planet out of the ISS sphere of influence. As hilarious as that would be to see, this super slow motion robotic arm grabbing the capsule and yeeting it back towards Earth. Unlikely scenario, but that’s the type of thing NASA does all the time, plan for as many scenarios as possible so there’s always another option available even if they seem ridiculous.

  • I know. I already addressed that. That’s not where my issue is. My issue is they’re not only saying allegedly but also a possible hate crime when it is clearly a hate crime.

    Instead after looking more, it looks like that’s because the DA has unofficially chosen not to prosecute it as a hate crime for whatever baffling reason. A month after the event and they’ve not filed charges for a hate crime. It doesn’t take a month to figure out whether a white person fighting with a Muslim in a headscarf about being American, then attacking their children and beating them with the scarf, constitutes a hate crime.

    So instead it makes it look like a prosecutor that doesn’t want to prosecute a seemingly slam dunk hate crime as a hate crime, for whatever reason.

  • halcyoncmdr@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlThe older I get, the less I pretend to care
    6 days ago

    You seem to be under the impression that your opinion of a random meme and joke response comment on the internet is something we should care about. We don’t know each other, this isn’t Facebook, there’s no reason to fake being nice on a site like this. I’ll probably never see you again, your judgement of a random comment means very little to me. My original comment wasn’t meant as any more than a bullshit joke comment, but since you want to make it more…

    I never compared babies to abusers. I compared Stockholm Syndrome to the evolutionary mental and hormonal responses parents have for their progeny. They’re both unconscious mental responses brought on by an external stimulus. An inconvenient comparison of course, but simple.

    Back to the actual topic of the post… I don’t think anyone’s baby is cute, including yours, they’re all ugly bloated sacks of skin. And no the baby’s disproportionate features don’t actually look like either parent at that age. You want it to be true and your mind is giving you what you want.

  • I never said they weren’t capable. I’m just saying that this prosecutor seems to be choosing to not prosecute something seemingly obvious, which just makes them look incompetent. If they want to appear that way to the public, that’s their choice.

    Nothing prevents them from saying that they aren’t going to prosecute it as a hate crime due to exculpatory evidence, instead they seem to be intentionally leaving it in a grey area. Especially since this apparently happened a month ago according to the article. Plenty of time to figure out something so core to the issue. It just makes them look complicit in allowing hate crimes when the public evidence is so glaringly obvious for it.