Right. I solved using the connection of my phone
Non devi mai andare in Germania, Paolo.
Right. I solved using the connection of my phone
Amazing. It worked, thanks a lot
Actually, also the ethernet connection does not work :/
Notion anche non è open source ma fa quello che chiedi. È un po’ il diretto concorrente di obsidian, che ti è stato consigliato nei commenti.
Anytype dovrebbe essere il concorrente di entrambi, ma open source. Il problema è che sono rimasti anni e anni in Alpha e solo da poco è iniziata la “pre-beta” 🤣 insomma, non proprio il massimo dell’affidabilità.
Sennò puoi provare se xwiki fa al caso tuo https://xwiki.com/en/ ed è open source
Yes, I didn’t research this extensively… it was more of a hunch. :D Yes, certainly, I simply thought that if you minimize phone usage, it would result in a longer battery life and fewer charging cycles, which in turn would reduce CO2 emissions… but I admit it’s a bit of a stretch. :D
I hope you don’t feel triggered by my question, I am genuinely curious, I swear. No judgment. Here my question: since bugs are part of this planet’s life like all other life forms, don’t you think that there is something wrong being so triggered from bugs?
I mean, it’s normal to respect or to feel a kind of repulsion to some kind of insects, it is natural instinct that saved us from death, but being grossed by bugs in general sounds a bit too much to me.
I had a kind of phobia but when I realized that we are all part of the life on this planet, insects included, than something changed in me. I do not love insects, but I definitely do not feel reputation or fear anymore. I feel respect for some kind of insects (big spyders for example) and I try to build biodiversity in my garden for some others.
Sorry, I don’t want to bother you or judge you, is it totally ok the way you are. I just kind of saw myself some years ago in our emotional answer.
Of course you can ignore this comment and it will be perfectly fine :)
Grazie mille! Si, io vivo in Germania e qui non ci sono le vagonate di GB che ci sono in Italia. Poi infatti ho pensato potesse essere utile in quelle situazioni in cui la connessione è instabile o quelle zone del mondo dove non è semplice avere una connessione veloce. Le pagine visitate funzionano anche offline oltretutto.
Ottimo! Le pagine che hai visitato funzionano anche offline :) mi sono dimenticato di scriverlo :D
Guarda se vai su github (se apri il link “what is this?” sulla home page trovi il link per github) puoi tranquillamente scaricare il codice e farlo girare dove preferisci
personally I would give more focus to the core like sustainability, anti-capitalism, use of technology, in the future but also in the present. But I don’t have actually anything concrete to propose. It was just an Idea to generate more discussions about what solarpunk is and to democratise the manifesto. You’re right. The Wiki looks actually a more accessible place.
Why don’t we try to put the manifesto on a git platform and let the people propose changes, reviewed by the people themselves? It could be a amazing way to create debates an to let the people decide what solarpunk is.
Unfortunately also the ethernet connection wasn’t detected. I solved using my phone in USB tethering