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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I also didn’t use Twitter but wanted to try to get into mastodon. One thing to note is that the official mastodon app currently doesn’t allow you to follow hashtags, only people. The FEDILABS app allows you to follow topics by hashtags. Since I’m new I didnt have any people I knew of to follow off the bat, so it was nice to be able to follow #scuba and automagically see a bunch of stuff I care about pop up in my home feed.

    The account @feditips@mstdn.social is full of gems like that.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

  • For years, I was hoping to be the very last American to catch COVID. I’d dodged a couple near misses, including being…close 😏… to my wife the night before she tested positive.

    When it finally got me it was quite mild. I tested + when I had very mild symptoms, so I went for a run before things got bad. Felt crappy the next day, but the day after that I felt good enough to get another run in.

    Not sure if it’s related, but every time I got a vaccine/booster I thought for sure that the next one would kill me.

  • Yes and no. The way I’ve seen it described is “Freedom of speech, freedom to filter”.

    We come from a place where all of the rules about what can be said on Facebook come from zuck (and a hidden team of moderators, accountable to no one). The final say about what can be posted to reddit comes from /u/spez, and worst of all, all the rules about what can be said on Twitter come from Musk.

    Here, yes. In theory, @Pyarra technically CAN defederate entire communities on a whim. His/her ball, his/her rules. But the neat part is you get to PICK your Zuckerberg here. If @Pyarra is too tyrannical, you can just go be a member of lemmy.world, lemmy.ml, knin.social, etc. and join all the same communities and talk with all the same people.

    In practice, any time the issue of defederating an instance came up, /u/Pyarra was SUPER transparent about what they were considering and why, and we all talked it out. They don’t HAVE to do that, but they have. It’ find this to be a very good instance.

    Footnote: beehaw.org is a large instance that has kindness and hard moderation built into its DNA. Right after the first wave of refugees arrived, they defederated major instances because the small mod team couldn’t keep up with trolls. People who took issue with this left, and people who liked it stayed. In my opinion, this is an example of the system working. Beehaw’s not for everybody, but I’m glad it’s there.

  • I’m in a tough spot here. I know I shouldn’t knock it 'till I try it, and I REALLY want to tell you that this is absurd and ridiculous. But for me to say that,I’d probably have to try it first, what if it’s really disgusting? Even worse: What if it’s really really good? Would I have the courage to tell anybody about it?

    Instead,can I just how you ended up trying this in the first place? Were you desperate on a desert island? Or did you lose a bet?

  • It’s a a send-up of the supposedly “feel-good” stories about people that go above and beyond to make the horrors of some societal problem (usually capitalism) less horrifying for somebody. Like, when a child holds a 48 hr lemonade sale marathon to erase the lunch debt of his/her peers. Yeah, it’s a nice thing to do, but it should NOT be necessary.

    The idea is that we would see stories talking about how great this person is for slowing down an orphan crushing machine, without questioning the need for an orphan crushing machine in the first place.