@just_kitten @StudChud ZEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!!
@just_kitten @StudChud ZEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!!
@cuavas yeah, it’s pretty shit. I guess allowing more flexibility on when people start and finish work plus continuing work from home options might help a bit. But yeah, there needs to be serious investment to improve things.
@cuavas that sounds like they need to increase services at rush hour - I’ll admit I’ve only travelled that route off-peak.
@Seagoon_ all these ideas are great, don’t know how you are going to pick.
@Gibsonisafluffybutt @wscholermann I used this exact terminology in a message a few days ago to a guy I’d had a couple of good dates with who communicates so sporadically that I have a very hard time believing he’s genuine. There’s a feeling of exhausted resignation, but I do seem to be willing to bang my head a few more times, just in case the wall does actually crack.
@princessnorah largely the stations that are still technically metro, from memory (and that goes for Ballarat too) beyond that it seems to thin out a fair bit.
@AllNewTypeFace @just_kitten I think this is really only happening on the Albury line - other services have likely seen a decent increase in patronage, but it’s likely going to make rural services more viable in terms of numbers, and on the really popular routes hopefully a real increase in services. In 2019 I took rural PT to a bunch of different places in Victoria, East West and North from Melbourne, and only North was really even half way busy.
@Thornburywitch yup they are in the Yarra Valley and assumedly other rural places too. Nasty.
@plumbercraic @Thornburywitch there are already native Jack Jumpers that put people in hospital, adding these would be horrific.
@TinyBreak @Nath I had my daughter in daycare at 3 months (1 day a week) and she caught EVERYTHING in the first year. I got about half the things, a milder version, but with the 3 gastros I was SO grateful for my standing Zofran script as it would have been awful without.
This year so far (she’s now almost 2), 3 relatively mild colds (touch wood), I know there will be more things but I vaguely hope the experience of covid has made a tiny dent in behaviour so there is a bit less spread.
The policies at childcare have definitely not swung back to precovid norms, so they are stricter now than before regarding temperature, diarrhoea etc and exclusions generally. So I think maybe that is helping a little? The immune system still gets a workout, but I’ve been expecting to be much sicker this year than so far has turned out.
@wscholermann yeah out west there are no good connections.
@wscholermann @bot001 is not ideal but you can get the 901 which is slightly further to walk than the Skybus but gets you to Broadmeadows train station and continues to Morang.
@Thornburywitch @bot001 one of the nice things about battery whippetsnappers are that they are a bit quieter than the nasty 2 stroke ones. Much easier to start, too!
@Nath @melbaboutown excellent and very relevant comparison.
@6368_39162 @Bottom_racer yeah ask the verge collection signs I’m seeing currently where I am are bright orange & say it’s an offense to ADD to the pile, but says nothing about removing!
@Seagoon_ yes, but he could only afford science to become a vocation because he was the son of a wealthy financier.
“The world’s first university, The University of Al Qarawiynn, was founded in 895 CE by a woman named Fatima al-Fihri. She used her inheritance to form a large mosque with an associated school”
… so the world’s first university apparently started by a woman of leisure who assumedly had a hefty inheritance if she could afford to start a University.
Even Siddhartha Gautama was a nobleman.
The luxury to spend time thinking and learning has traditionally been afforded to the wealthy, not the working class, and so when young folks now go to uni and feel like it was a scam, it’s worth noting this history.
@Seagoon_ there seems to be conflicting information online but most universities seem to exist separate to religious orders, despite historically being very heavily influenced by them at times.
@wscholermann @bot001 well given the origins were for rich people (and the children of rich people) to do something with their spare time, it explains why quite a few degrees aren’t much use. But they do help you understand why things are the way they are. Just tough titties if you don’t have independent wealth to sustain you after you work this out.
@StudChud zere can always be MOAR MISSILES