I’m looking for a PDF viewer which would allow me to go from one PDF file to another without going back to the file explorer. In a way, I’d want it to work a bit like an image viewer where you only have to click on an arrow to go to the next image.
GNOME sushi kinda works like that, especially if you restrict a nautilus window to only showing PDFs (e.g., by searching for pdf
first). Then you hit space and it opens the preview, and you can arrow left and right to move to the next match without explicitly tabbing back to nautilus first.
It’s totally possible to build a new network of great friends at literally any point in your life! I have moved multiple times over the years to entirely different regions where I knew zero people and I have always eventually found new friends. (I’m also autistic and introverted, so if I can do it, most people probably can.)
Sometimes it might take a while to find the activities you like, and thus the people who share your interests, but they’re out there! If nothing else, it helps to start going on a regular basis to a local bar that hosts live music and just nurse a drink (even a soda if you’re sober) and hang out, you’ll start sussing out the social fabric in the area pretty quick.
Good luck, you can do it!