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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • When I’m training I do 3 up one down. Building three weeks, then the fourth week I drop back one week in duration. This is usually good for mid plan recovery, for just general recovery, I’d say do 75% of your normal work load. 2 shorter runs and a walk, 2 lighter lifts and a plyo session, in general recovery is doing less, not nothing at least for me.

    Good luck.

  • Depends on the shoe, but I rarely get more than 3-500 miles. Just tossed a pair with only 3:16 on them, but they were worn down on the heel, and had started to make me excessive fatigue after even short runs. I got 500 from a pair of Hoka bondi 7’s. I’m pretty hard on shoes, I have an aggressive wear pattern due to a shorter leg. I try to compensate by buying shoes on sale and rotating them as much as possible. But your milage may totally vary. But replace em when you think you need to, many ultra runners get 1k +

  • Totally not judging. I was a new runner once too. Running is very specific activity, were the majority of improvements come simply from just running more. However, running more is a very slow process, you can’t go from 0 miles, to 10 miles, and expect them to be fast. While you are fit, you aren’t running fit, it’s like being fit and not being lift heavy fit. Your plan is a get to the finish plan, which is good for ramping and getting to the finish line, but isn’t really going to build speed, but that will come if you continue to work at it. Don’t get discouraged, the improvement when you start are often the the biggest jumps you have. Good luck

  • I’ve managed to destroy every pair of earbuds I’ve owned in short time. Expensive shures, jaybirds, Amazon basics, Sony’s, ankers, thauker, etc. You name it, give me 6 months, they will be dead. I also sleep with them, so that’s I’m sure part of the problem, but they usually die on a long sweaty run. Currently trying shockz open run, light, good battery, not yet dead. We shall see.

  • Good luck on the 10k, the 24h sounds like fun. I need to get some of my buddies to do some more of these event things. 4 laps is 24m, 40k plenty of distance for a day’s work.

    As for my races. I’ve got a 10k coming up, but not planning on putting in 100% into it, as I’m working on a 1/2 training plan this summer/fall, for BayState half marathon. I’ve run the full 3x, this is my first time doing the half. It’s in mid October, and I’ve got a bail out half scheduled for Nov 12, which I may skip, if I run my target time for the 1/2 this fall. There is really nothing hanging on the race, other than trying to PR, and get sub 1:30. I ran a 1:31:xx this spring, and I’ve dropped some weight, and had a good training cycle, so I’m feeling positive about it.

  • I wish I’d started running sooner in life for sure. I think it’s important to understand that slow and steady progress is more productive that getting into an injury cycle. That balance, being core strong and doing things other than just running helps.

    Most of all, enjoy the spot in running that you are at. If you are just starting note how you are progressing, each milestone and pr is great. I’ve now been running for about 10 years, and have come a long way and only regret not starting sooner.

  • Having goals, but also realistic expectations. Knowing that you can’t got from 0 to full throttle w/out hurting yourself.

    For my, in 2014, I had an itb issues which caused me to dns my first marathon, I found I could not run w/out pain for a long time. I was hurt, crying. I took time off, and got the leg functioning right again. Restarted very slowly. Ran 1200 miles that year starting with 1-2 mile runs 3 x a week, lots of short distance miles. The way I got back was avoiding getting injured by over during it. I set a 2016 goal of a marathon, but I built my base over 12 months.

    Good luck, but train smart