ayy Ars Magica
Isn’t HackMaster very explicitly written to be funny? I’m avoiding the term ‘satire’ because HM 5th Edition is not really satire (HmB page 2)
I am referring more to LFG
Honestly 5e has a bit of an identity crisis. It’s trying to go just there enough to support players who want a more generic fantasy adventuring game, and just trad enough to not scare off the people who want the D&D Experience:tm: as it was in the 80’s.
When every damn person in the country only eats that one food, that gets a bit hard.
they should put the pinkertons in dnd
Unironically a better system to play Shadowrun than Shadowrun
Why can’t you switch away from 5e? DCC’s rules are quite simple and there’s a free Quick-Start
Tables are sometimes horny, but claiming that “every” table is horny is a wild misrepresentation
Read the book. There’s a Free Edition on itch.io.
May i recommend Wushu?
In GURPS, you expend either Fatigue Points or Hit Points to cast a spell.
Quite fumbly when it comes to longer reads, but quick reference it is best.
Also sucks that it has yarr harr fiddle dee content so, even though its CR calculator and loot generator are some of the best i’ve ever seen, i can’t recommend them to anyone.
I don’t know if my humor is just rotten, but something about just the complete absence of a meme is funny to me.
Actually i think downvoting this is a mistake. We should get it to top of all time.
If you want deeper rules for things, PF2e is good. If you want simpler and more story-focused rules, picking up Index Card RPG or Knave might be good.