Wow that’s surprisingly bright given the size and what it is. Neat.
Wow that’s surprisingly bright given the size and what it is. Neat.
Not sure about the sale price, but the Mini seems like a perfect fit considering your wants/needs. There are some cheaper options that still allow for tinkering but they may not have the same reliability as the Prusa. So unless budget is a huge concern and you really really like tinkering, I’d stick with the Prusa.
Personally, I would add the filament sensor and build sheets. My philosophy is that it’s better to have them and not need them, than need them and not have them. Especially when shipping takes a while.
You can get them for $5 from so I suppose you could buy as many as you want and glue them together lol. Then maybe use a powered USB hub to connect them all at once.
What’s the total cost roughly for one of these builds? Trying to decide between something like this or one from Hank.
u/brokenrecordbot oneofus
… oh wait
Interesting. I was hoping this would be a better and brighter D18. But it seems like less output and more functionality.