Dodecahedron December

I try things on the internet.

rarely, shit just works.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • This just isn’t what I’ve seen in lots of leftist spaces, personally. I think it’s more of an issue when it comes to indefensible topics. For example, in a leftist community, a right-leaning person may make a statement, but then many more people will typically pile on and present arguments as to why the statement is incorrect. Sure, some of them will resort to ad hominem attacks, but for the most part, leftists attack the ideas, not the person.

    But what you’ve described is 100% my experience when it comes to the conservative community. I was permabanned on reddit because a conservative mod didn’t like what I had to say. And what I had to say was pretty mild. It was argumentative and possibly toxic but boiled down to calling them “slow”, which sums up the entire ideology - slow to adapt, slow to progress, regressive.

  • Bro, again. You are assuming there is just one of two sides. That you are on one side and I am on the other. You keep putting words in my mouth about me picking the other of two sides. If you are trying to make the argument that we should vote third party, make a more compelling one, because until there is real support for a third candidate you’re throwing your vote away.

    If you’re trying to make the argument that the 2 (as you say) ideologies (i am assuming you mean american political parties that appear on the ballot, of which there are still more than 2, unless you are just referring to the presidency, which you said you weren’t) are the same, you need to explain why you think so, as they are vastly different.

    There are more than 2 political ideologies my man. Ideologies aren’t parties.

    I would ask you about your political ideologies but you’ve demonstrated that you think there are only two, and you’ve demonstrated that I am clearly the “other”. So, I guess whatever my leanings are on your scale of 2 ideologies.
