Dress up, go out and to a bar all by myself, meet strangers without worrying about how to get rid of them later.
Go to the nicest sauna in town, spa all day.
Dress up, go out and to a bar all by myself, meet strangers without worrying about how to get rid of them later.
Go to the nicest sauna in town, spa all day.
Trust your manager and the people who hired you. They picked your for a reason. Sometimes it’s not what you think makes a good employee in this position, but something much more specific to the team or situation you’re in. If in doubt: Ask!
Many times people who come straight from uni don’t feel productive enough, because they can’t be productive for 8 hours straight. But that’s normal. Staring at the ceiling blankly on occasion is normal too. If you’re doing your best and the matter you’re working with is working well for you, then you’re very likely fine.
There’s always a bit of impostor syndrome in all of us, but still try to get comfortable and trust your colleagues. Ask for feedback from your superior, if you’re unsure.
Thank you for this.
This decision is all about you.
I’m an introvert who works with people, I could be a recluse all year and I’d be happy. Without work maybe I’d be a little lonely at times, but there is ways to fix that for me, without relying on neighbours.
You seem to like having neighbours though, so that’s very different. If that is something that worked well for you in the past, I think that’s an indicator for the more expensive house. It’s a permanent thing, after all, and if you’re rather extroverted or at least need humans around on occasion, then you shouldn’t make yourself unhappy by buying cheap.
You should ask this, but maybe hold back on the “I abhor it” stuff.
While for some places it may even be a good sign you want Linux, serious rejection for other platforms may look like a lack of flexibility. Who’s to say you don’t have the same strong feelings about other stuff?
You learn French, they learn English, you meet in the middle. I think that’s probably how that was meant to work. Sounds fair to me.
You seem to lack the ability to change perspective here: You learn a language and so do they. You just seem to be missing the fact that the other side is doing the exact same thing?
I never knew there was this much drama about the French language in Canada. Really interesting fact on its own.
Bumble friend search, you don’t have to look romantically. Meetup works too, though not quite as well for me, since not everyone with a common interest wants a new close friend.
We’re out there and depending on where you are there’s quite a lot of us in your shoes and many also don’t really know how to go about this business.
The telegraph would complain about the EU if they sent them cookies. I don’t know how they are still a source on anything.
Maybe the problem is you and not the other people or the place or the employer. Get therapy
When your kid is bored with its input, it’s okay to take it serious and see that it gets more/better input.
“Tough it out” is not good advice, no matter in what form it comes.
Children’s tears are not an act. Not if it’s a girl either. Check your bias.
Just because it didn’t kill you, does not mean you have to do it to your kid.
Dear mom, run! Divorce! I’d still like to be alive and stuff, but you don’t deserve this and neither do we.
Agreed, started with a Pixel 3 refurb. Just don’t thik this applies to Samsung too. Pixel just doesn’t have the bloatware stuff and that really does get in the way with other phones when it gets older. For my partner it’s similar experience with refurbished Apple phones though.
6 year old me was unhappy enough without a plethora of knowledge and absolutely nothing to do with that.
I’ll have the money please, I got some ideas to make 6 year olds less unhappy.
For the statistics: 40s, successful, no family.
He’s trying to distract from the probe into Tesla’s range. It’s working.
Von wichtig nach nice to have:
Ich vermute jetzt mal, die 3x Schicht sind nicht an aufeinander folgenden Tagen. Schichtpläne sind kategorisch schwierig, mit Fachkräftemangel und Einzelanforderungen umzugehen macht es fast unmöglich jeden glücklich zu machen. Gibt es jemanden mit dem du tauschen kannst und darfst?
3x an Einzeltagen krank zu sein, wenn du mit dem Typ arbeiten sollst, fällt auf. Wenn du das machst, dann muss dir klar sein, dass gerade nach deiner Beschwerde solche Krankheitstage ein Statement sind. Jetzt kann man natürlich sagen, dass du ja alles versucht hast um diesen Situation in Zukunft zu vermeiden und trotzdem bleibt da ein Geschmäckle zurück. Du sagst damit “Auf mich könnt ihr euch nur verlassen, wenn ihr auch auf mich hört.” und das mag so schon stimmen, aber der Tag an dem sie mal nicht auf dich hören können, der kommt garantiert. Offiziell bist du dann natürlich krank und niemand kann dir daraus offiziell einen Strick drehen, trotzdem ist das für dein Management schon eine Warnung und die Frage ist: Möchtest du das?
Wenn die 3 Tage aufeinander folgen, lass dich ruhig eine Woche krank schreiben, das ist viel weniger offensichtlich und wer dir daraus einen Strick dreht, der findet sonst auch was.
Ungefragt auch noch: Du magst deiner neuen Managerin vertrauen, aber versuch trotzdem in der Art, wie du über den Kollegen sprichst, professionell zu bleiben. Es passiert bei manchen Menschen sehr schnell, dass man sich zu zu viel Offenheit hinreißen lässt, wenn der oder die Manager so nett und vertrauenswürdig ist. Professionelle Distanz ist trotzdem richtig und wichtig.
Ich mach keine Witze, hab beides schon von Leuten gehört. Gerade das zweite auch mit Stolz in der Stimme “Mein Kind muss das nicht”.
Interessant wäre da auch, wie viele vielleicht meinen, ein Nebenjob sei schädlich. Ich könnte mir ganz gut vorstellen, dass das einige Familien sind. Aber ganz sicher ist auch Vitamin B ein Faktor, gerade wenn es um Jobs geht, die vielleicht ein bisschen mehr Einblick bieten als die Supermarkt-Inventur.
I don’t have much positive examples, but I suppose we can learn from mistakes. Alright, here goes …
You can do this! My list is very long, but ultimately simple: If you lean into your own vulnerabilities and share this with her, a lot of these things will happen on their own. Be open and curious. You can’t teach her everything, she’ll have to fall on her face by herself. Be there to pick her up afterwards and just keep that up.