Don’t sugarcoat it. That is originaly “szarjál sünt”, meaning shit out a hedgehog…
Don’t sugarcoat it. That is originaly “szarjál sünt”, meaning shit out a hedgehog…
In Hungarian its “palacsinta”. Wow, I didn’t know we say this similarly.
Hey, that is alternative splicing you are talking about. During the expression the pre-mRNA is mostly the same every time, if I remember correctly.
And if you want something more disturbing, how about “kutyából nem lesz szalonna!” (You can’t make bacon out of a dog). Or “itt a tavasz, dagad a fasz” (spring time is here, the dicks are swollen). “terhesen nem vág orrba a lengő ajtó” (the door wont slam in your face if you are pregnant).