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Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • This Xerox Alto restoration series is a really interesting reflection on that. Here’s the point in the series where they finally get it running. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OQMhvArI9g

    Yeah, Xerox made revolutionary progress. But it appears that their proximity to a viable consumer product is a bit exaggerated. It really did still take another set of eyes and minds to wrangle it in. I think if they did release it sooner, and without the leaks, the next competitor still would have seen that and soon come along and done a better enough job to nullify their first-mover advantage.

    Those days were chock full of companies that ended up just contributing to the zeitgeist of computing without themselves reaping in the glory.

    I think Steve Jobs’ comments about what Xerox could have been… Is largely him stroking his ego that he and Apple pulled off what they couldn’t.

    I don’t think Xerox would be the Mac of today in most timelines.

  • The headline shared is somewhat sensationalized editorialization.

    “Toutes les hypothèses”, dont l’instauration de l’état d’urgence, sont envisagées par l’exécutif pour “le retour de l’ordre républicain”, a déclaré Elisabeth Borne vendredi 30 juin.

    Note the part in quotes said by PM is “Toutes les hypothèses”. The part about a state of emergency (l’état d’urgence) is added by the author of the article in between her actual quotes, with “dont”, to show what the writer is implying can be included in that.

    Included in “all hypothesis” I could also imply and add… well basically anything I want to.

    I’m not saying there won’t be state of emergency. Just making the actual context of this headline clear to non french readers.