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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023

  • This is not really that surprising. Trump’s line is that Biden “stole” the 2020 election. People who believe the big lie actually think that Biden circumvented democracy. There’s no clear thing to fix this, that I can think of.

    The only good thing with this in my mind is that, in their minds, they think they’re protecting democracy by voting for Trump, which means, if you take away the lies and fraud, the norms/belief/expectations of democracy including peaceful of transfer of power and regular elections are still expected to happen. Once the liars stop lying to them, our democracy should kind of self correct. The downside is they’re too far invested in Trump to recognize that democracy might be taken from them by a dictator and they’ll believe they still have power.

    Our best hope is that, once Trump dies or is out of the picture, no one else can capture their imagination the way he has and he was a one-off. However it’s a big country and I think Trump might be just a blueprint for someone with higher aspirations than just narcissistic personal benefit.

  • This is why I didn’t switch until this year. Valve really did a great thing by driving this adoption and I feel like with Proton in the state it’s in, there’s really not much you’re giving up by going to Linux these days.

    The list of actual pain points is ever shrinking now. I can’t imagine switching back in 95. You had to put up with so much inequity for a lot of that time.

  • Some of the recently reported ones have been traced back to Reddit shitposts. The hard thing they have to deal with is that the more authoritative you wrote your reddit comments, shitpost or not, the more upvotes you would get (at least that’s what I felt was happening to my writing over time as I used reddit). That dynamic would mean reddit is full of people who sound very very confident in the joke position they post about (and it then is compounded by the many upvotes)