Haha, close! According to Google Translate: “Blue in Daylight”. I used my French dictionary and was thinking “Blue in the Day”.
I was looking specifically for BD with minimal text as well. That, and comics written for children. Oh man, A Gift for a Ghost looks amazing. I have to say I really am loving Gonzalez’ style. I’ll have to check out his other stuff soon.
If you are wanting the physical copy of Bleu, Stuart NG has it for $30 I believe.
For sure! I used to lurk over a /r/bandedessinee. It’s nice that this community is here, since I try to avoid Reddit at all costs these days. I’ll definitely be around :D
That’s awesome! I’m all about upcycling. It’s amazing what people will toss without thinking about repair. Although sometimes it’s not worth the headache. I remember flipping my shit when I couldn’t figure out how to repair the read error on a PS2 I picked up. Ended up just giving up in the end. Also spent hours through the middle of the night jacked up on energy drinks pulling a laptop apart to fix an issue with the processor running too hot, only to put it back together and still have the same issue.
Ah, what’s the issue with the Game Genie? I’m buying an Everdrive, I think I heard that it had built in cheat support.
Yeah, nowadays I shy away from hardmods because of the experiences I listed above. I’d rather buy from someone with the time and experience if I need to go that route. Otherwise I’m completely fine with softmodding or flashcarts for my needs which tend more towards software. I wouldn’t mind seeing a RGB mod in person running on something cool like one of those “HD” Trinitrons that were used a video editing monitors back in the day. I hear they look fantastic, the highest fidelity picture you can get for CRT based systems.