By Hiroko Tabuchi June 17, 2023

Using a single gas-stove burner can raise indoor concentrations of benzene, which is linked to cancer risk, to above what’s found in secondhand tobacco smoke and even to levels that have prompted local investigations when detected outdoors, according to a new study.

For the peer-reviewed study, researchers at Stanford’s Doerr School of Sustainability measured benzene emissions from stoves at 87 homes in California and Colorado and found that natural gas and propane stoves emitted benzene that frequently reached indoor concentrations above health benchmarks set by the World Health Organization and other public agencies.

In about a third of the homes, a single gas burner on high or an oven set to 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes raised benzene levels above the upper range of indoor concentrations seen in secondhand tobacco smoke, the researchers found. They noted that similar concentrations, when identified in 2020 near schools in Greater Los Angeles and the Colorado Front Range, led to investigations by the authorities there.

“I found it startling,” said Yannai Kashtan, the lead author of the study, “that concentrations that were enough to trigger a public outcry when they were detected outside are concentrations that we’ve found repeatedly inside, just from stoves in people’s homes.”

A mounting body of research has documented significant indoor air pollution and negative health effects from gas stoves. Gas stoves emit other harmful pollutants like nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde and can also leak methane, a potent greenhouse gas, even when they are turned off. A study published in December estimated that 12.7 percent of childhood asthma in the United States was linked to gas-burning stoves.

But the latest study, published this week in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, was the first to focus on quantifying the benzene that comes off a stove’s flame in the process of combustion.

The United Nation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency define benzene as a human carcinogen. Breathing in the chemical can increase the risk of leukemia and lymphoma among other serious health effects. Doctors say no level of exposure is safe.

The Stanford team measured emissions from the food itself, frying up some fish, as well as bacon, and found negligible benzene emissions. Emissions in the home from electric and induction stoves are also negligible, the Stanford research and other studies have found.

Background: Stoves have become a ‘culture war’ issue. Concerns over the health effects of gas stoves have already prompted some cities and states to seek to phase out gas connections in residential buildings. The federal government is moving to strengthen efficiency standards for gas stoves.

Still, the issue has become politicized. On Wednesday, House Republicans pushed through a bill that would prevent federal funds from being used to regulate gas stoves as a hazardous product. The measure wasn’t expected to pass the Senate, but underscored the divisiveness of the issue among the nation’s politicians, despite the science.

Mr. Kashtan, a Ph.D. candidate who is the lead Stanford researcher, noted that the study focused on single-family houses in California and Colorado, which tend to be larger than apartments in big cities such as New York. More recent testing by the Stanford team detected higher concentrations of some pollutants from gas stoves in tiny New York kitchens and found that those pollutants quickly traveled throughout the home and lingered, sometimes for hours.

Dr. Janice L. Kirsch, an oncologist and former investigator on a large-scale study of childhood leukemia who was not involved in the Stanford research, said the levels of benzene the researchers found coming off gas stoves in peoples’ homes were alarming.

“We knew that when you burn methane, you get benzene. But to actually do the measurements is groundbreaking, and levels are higher than what was expected. It’s way more dangerous,” Dr. Kirsch said. “Benzene is the stuff nightmares are made of.”

What concerned her particularly was that mounting research showed how people were being exposed to harmful chemicals both outside their homes, from things like traffic, factories or wildfire smoke, and indoors.

But inside, at least, people have somewhat more control over their exposure. “That gives us a way forward,” Dr. Kirsch said. People could buy relatively inexpensive induction hot plates, she said, or use toaster ovens and electric kettles when possible. “And ventilate,” she said. “You have to ventilate.”

    1 year ago

    This is a staggeringly stupid hill to die on.

    I can’t fathom why someone would want to ignore the science in this. Arguments on cooking quality I attribute to bad cooks who only know how to burn a steak.

    We replaced years ago and I miss nothing. I didn’t even have to change pans.

    “Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die”

    Link to actual science paper Yes funded by a climate group (High Tide Foundation)

      1 year ago

      I’m not a republican or climate denier or anything and I’m a big proponent of environmental causes, like to an extent that might be annoying for many… but there just isn’t good enough data for me to stop preferring to cook with gas.

      Elevated levels of benzene higher than those of second hand smoke do not indicate that it’s anywhere near the same level of cancer-causing as cigarette smoke - it sounds like cherry-picking.

      To run a gas stove you need great ventilation in your kitchen, there hasn’t been some insane risk of cancer from cooking in commercial kitchens or well-ventilated home kitchens with gas stoves that I’m aware of. I’d be willing to bet that increased incidence of asthma would also be the result of improper ventilation as well.

      I currently have an electric stove and I hate it after having gas stoves for years. Will be going back to gas ASAP.

      That said everybody has their own preferences and risk-tolerances and can do whatever they want, it’s just going to take more data for me to be willing to get an induction stove when it comes time to upgrade instead of a gas one. Electric cook tops just objectively suck.

        1 year ago

        Thanks for sharing your thoughts so completely.

        I don’t thing I have a problem with professional kitchens but I do with homes and more strongly apartments and lower income housing.

        The supporting infrastructure for good ventilation can be refused to minimum requirements.

        What type of stove do you have and what is the thing you can’t cook the way you like?

          1 year ago

          Please forgive me for the length of my other reply, this topic (the use of scary sounding data to make people do things they don’t want to, stop doing things they do want to, or spend money) has been getting under my skin lately and also I have a lot of free time because of a guild strike timing up poorly with a career change. Also I couldn’t sleep.

          It was too much and I fault nobody for not reading it and will accept any heckling that results.

      1 year ago

      as a fairly partial party (I like gas stovetops, don’t own one):

      statistically significant doesn’t necessarily measure how important the effect is (or translatable to real life scenarios)

      one study found people exposed to ~50 mg/m^3 benzene for 4 months to 16 years developed cancer (with some studies reporting ~20 mg/m^3, and a minimum of 2 mg/m^3 over 6 years)

      this study reports ~3-6 ug/m^3, which is at a minimum 3 orders of magnitude less than the what was previously reported to cause cancer. (and also uses this 3 ug/m^3 based on some california recommendation)

      TL;DR does it emit benzene? yes.

      does it emit enough to cause cancer? untested. extrapolated answer: probably not.

        1 year ago

        I guess I just choose based on my conscience. I’ve made a lot of life changes in the past that either took away “pleasures” or added a bit more effort to my daily life in order to live a more harmonious life.

        Choosing an electric stove cost me neither quality of life or significant cost to the bank. We are moving towards a totally petroleum product free home within 10 years (ya plastic exists)

          1 year ago

          That’s great and I think it’s important that everybody make efforts in whatever ways they can. For me those efforts have been differently focused, because the source of my electricity is natural gas I prefer to just cut out the middleman where possible as the net amount of gas used is lower when piped straight to the house to create heat. I did however stop using disposable razors, I ride my bike and take the train (in a city where that is not exactly uh… ideal), and I buy unpackaged or non-plastic groceries where possible. Got an electric mower, some other stuff.

          If I lived in the desert I’d probably seek out electricity as a power source more frequently with the abundance of solar. Planet-saving solutions will be regionally dependent for sure and what really matters is that people are aware and intentional - like I don’t need cords of wood ready for winter but tell someone in the northeast they shouldn’t be burning all that wood and they’re gonna laugh.