This page has all upcoming changes nicely formatted with wiki links.

What do you think of those changes?

  • Ranger: i’m super excited about those changes, particularly druid. Looks like druid will be come super op heal support with those changes and i’m VERY interested in the dps and condi alac options. Curious about quickness untamed too.
  • Engineer - on the fence with quickness via leap/blast. On one hand it’s great there is no more need to spam gyros. On the other i very much like the fact that spamming gyros also gives superspeed to allies. Can’t have it all i guess
    1 year ago

    I don’t think it will ever be too late to change things. Look at their current design direction: They changed a system of profession specific boons into a somewhat homogenized alac+quickness system over the course of 1-2 years. They could do something similar again if it doesn’t work out the way they want.

    But one other thing came to my mind. I think perma boons you have to spec into might fulfill the offensive support fantasy better than a time-limited boon. With perma boons you associate the boon with your party or the boon provider specifically, while a temporary boon feels more like a property/mechanic of the enounter you’re fighting. With perma boons you have to stay close to your group for example, while a temporary boon would only requires you to stack on boon application, like many other boss mechanics. Maybe that’s just me, but being the boon guy sounds more fun than being the one to press a certain button at some point, provided boon support gameplay is fun as well of course.

    • Necropola❌
      1 year ago

      I feel a bit different about offensive boons like Might and Fury which most open world builds can maintain on themselves at a decent level anyway.

      What I mostly dislike is the pretty much mandatory stacking of players so that they have good boon coverage. This also applies to defensive boons like Protection, Aegis, … which are so strong that people may even stand in shit as long as they are covered by enough boons.

      GW2 has so many ways of 100% damage mitigation (don’t stand in shit, dodge, evasion, block) and a massive 33% Protection boon that armor/toughness almost does not matter. Not even for a raid tank (Mesmer) who just needs more toughness than other party members to taunt the boss.

      I like to think back to GW1 where a clumped up team gets destroyed by an opposing Mesmer, Elementalist or Barrage Ranger. Those where the times… 🙂