Title says it all.

I am a huge 40k fan and I know how problematic 40k is with its portrayal of endless war and facism. Comrade @relay@lemmygrad.ml has put it best:

Maybe all of the 40k factions are fascist and that universe’s lore has no dialectic of class struggle and is to violent to be realistic, thus serves as part of the superstructure for fascism.

it reinforces the idea that the conflict between tribes will always supercede the conflict between classes. It’s wrong on so many levels.

And yet I can’t hate it. I have a hard time taking 40k serious and seeing it as more than a silly boardgame with cool minis and (deliciously) stupid lore.

Same with B99. I know that the show is horrid copacanda, I know that shows like this prevent people from seeing pigs as the pigs they are because “funny cop show portraits them as silly and relatable.” But I still like the show a lot. I like the characters and just pretend that it plays in a parallel universe were cops aren’t the worst.

I just sort of suppress any critical thoughts and take those things at face value without thinking about what they imply. It’s just very hard to find alternatives.

So yeah I feel terrible for finding enjoyment in this stuff even though I know I shouldn’t. Can anyone relate or do you perhaps have similar feelings towards other franchises?

  • Rafidhi [her/هي]@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    If liberal media is causing you pain then maybe the pain is correct. If I watch hollywood or play US/EU games I will just see more ‘war on terrorism’ and ‘america is the greatest’ themes that shaytan implants into everything. I refuse that.

    Why would people watch hollywood when Chinese alternative is readily available?

    “Three Body” if you like Science Fiction.

    “The Knockout” if you like drama and want to learn about Chinese anti-corruption campaign.

    “1921” if you want to learn about founding of CPC.

    “The Eight Hundred” if you like war movies.

    “The Battle at Lake Changjin” is based on real battles where Korean and Chinese communists killed American invaders. Good stuff.

    The Russian Federation also made an excellent film recently about comrade Pavlachenko called “Battle for Sevastopol”.

    War films from Russia and China actually celebrate real war heroes defeating fascism.

    Iranian cinema has put out some incredible films recently as well. Start with movies by Rakhshan Banietemad.

    If you like sport then I highly recommend watching the upcoming Asia Games at the end of the month. The DPRK is participating in first time since Covid! There’s pretty much always sport competition happening somewhere in the world that doesn’t involve Europeans. I personally love rooting for the PRC and IRI whatever the sport is. You can find places to stream on you tube if you know what you’re looking for.

    Many alternatives to Shaytan’s fascist-imperialist poison, you just have to be open to it 😊

    • Munrock ☭@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      “The Battle at Lake Changjin” is based on real battles where Korean and Chinese communists killed American invaders. Good stuff.

      I love the way they portray the US military and especially McArthur in this film. And I love showing it to liberal friends who think they see through the bias of the Western stuff they watch, and think the Western stuff is just a little biased but mostly accurate.

      History seems to agree with the Chinese portrayal of McArthur. He was a vile excuse for a human.

      • Rafidhi [her/هي]@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Yes, they don’t have to portray Americans and Japanese as comic book villains to show how bloodthirsty their militaries were/are, they just depict the truth and we can see for ourselves.

        The scene where McArthur casually orders carpet bombing of the village makes me upset just thinking about it.

    • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      War films from Russia and China actually celebrate real war heroes defeating fascism.

      Just be careful with the Russian war movies after 1985. Some are straight up anti-Soviet propaganda (Mikhalkov’s “Tired by the sun” series). Other are simply crap or revisionist as hell (Zoya, Devyataev, T-34)

      • Rafidhi [her/هي]@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I have not seen those but it makes sense that forced liberalization at end of 20th century also affected culture/film.

        I can highly recommend Battle of Sevastopol, and recommend Panfilov’s 28, and Podolskiye Kursanty (cant find english name at the moment)… Even the Wagner docu-drama in CAR was actually pretty good although I only understood a small bit of it.

        Chinese war films though are truly top knotch. Especially the ones made in partnership with ministry of culture. True heroes.

    • Rafidhi [her/هي]@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      I want to add one thing, “guilt” in this way is, in my opinion, liberal nonsense. It’s not a political decision whether you watch a movie or not. There is a political dimension of something like consuming “Israeli” media because there is a cultural boycott of the zionist entity but such a thing does not exist for Hollywood. My proposal to find alternative to hollywood/US terrorist media is not political or religious but simply based on personal development. I have limited hours on this earth and if I am going to spend them consuming media then I would prefer it is media that enriches me. I am not so arrogant to think that I am “above their fascist propaganda”. However, “guilt” and “privilege” and other sorts of logics are liberal nonsense that provide no practical direction or guidance.

      I sincerely hope some members here check out some of the media I recommended. Especially “The Knockout” It is top knotch crime drama and Zhang Songwen is incredible actor and it is in my top 3 tv shows of all time. Global Times even had article about it because it was very popular and depicts true history of Chinese anti-corruption campaign and PRC national development.

      You can search engine to find places to stream it online for free globally.