I saw various articles saying you should get new shoes every 300-500ish miles, but I’m skeptical if they just want you to spend more money by saying that. Do you follow this advice, or do you put more miles on your shoes than this? Do you think 1000 miles on a pair of shoes would be too much?

Edit: Thanks for the feedback everyone. I’ve probably run a few shoes close to 1000 miles without injury, but perhaps I should be more careful as I age.

  • python@programming.dev
    1 year ago

    Regular running shoes really do lose their cushioning. I’m a bit heavy for a runner so it goes extra fast for me… Maybe like 300km and I start to notice.

    It does feel like such a waste to constantly be swapping shoes though. I usually like wearing shoes until they literally fall apart, but that takes longer than it takes for a new pair to get run-trough. :/

    I’ve switched to barefoot shoes about 6 months ago. They can’t lose cushioning cause they never had any to begin with, so in theory I should be able to run in them until they completely fall aprt, whenever that might be. Their company promises at least 2.5k miles if I recall!