• meco03211@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Jumping in here. Would you accept forced blood donation? If someone desperately needed a blood transfusion and no volunteer donors come forward, would you accept a government finding an eligible person and drawing blood by force if necessary? Why or why not?

    • Dashi@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      That’s hard to answer. It would depend on the greater good that the forced blood donation would be for. If it is because joe billionaire needs it for some elective surgery, no. If it is for some sort of pandemic and my blood will help sure. Especially if it is like a system that incenivises the donation in some way. “Hey patient A needs blood if you donate you’ll be higher up on the list for xyz” or something

      The logical followup is where is that line to decide if it’s “enough of a greater good” and who gets to decide? My answer to that would be people that are smarter than me and people we put in office to help make laws. Regardless of what they decide i will have an opinion about it and look to discuss it.

      I also give blood quarterly anyway. Getting out of forced blood draw would be easy, recent tattoos, rusty knife of unknown origin cut your skin while you were walking, or participated in an orgy with people of questionable virtue will all get you politely asked to leave. They don’t mess around with potential blood contaminants.

      What about you? Yay/nay and why?

      • meco03211@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Sorry but you avoided the point of the question. In this case you are specifically the only person with acceptable blood for the transfer and it is to a person you refuse to provide blood for. That can take the form of Joe Billionaire or some other manifestation of what you might consider an “ultimate evil”, but at the heart of the matter is that you do not want to participate. Would you be OK with a government forcing you to provide blood against your wishes?

        • Dashi@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Ahh OK. So would i be OK with someone doing something to me or a loved one against my wishes? No, but would i give blood in this case if it was a law, yes. Laws force you to do something potentially against your will.

          Someone is driving a car swerving, driving erratically, and when the officer pulls them over the car smells of alchohol. The officer requests they do a breathalyzer or they go to the station for a blood test, refuse that and they lose their ability to drive for a year. They refuse everything, is it fair the officer can force them to not drive and take away their free will for a night throwing you in jail?

          If that isn’t the same thing fine. What about required vaccinations before a kid can go to public school? That policy is recently under more scrutiny since covid. For the greater good i think that is a good policy.

          • meco03211@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            So your two examples of the drunk driver and vaccines are different. You don’t have the right to drive or go to school. You are granted that privilege by the government. Part of those privileges involve consent to certain requirements. So in those cases, the government is simply forcing you to uphold the agreement put in place. If you used this reasoning to support your argument, it would be like saying bodily autonomy is a privilege granted by the government. Maybe if you’re at a breeding age they would prevent you from sterilization (so you can procreate for the greater good). They could tell you not to get a tattoo (or go full Hitler and force you to get a tattoo).

            You say you would not be OK with the law, but would comply. How far does that go? Would you support another military draft? Potentially being put into deadly situations (especially if you don’t agree with the war/whatever is happening)? Forced labor if it was for “the good of the country” or some reason (maybe making a product you don’t agree with e.g. drugs, guns, late term abortion kits)?

            If someone were to refuse to comply with any of these laws, what should the punishment be?

            Edit: What if the government tried to mandate forced abortions? If they can declare something necessary “for the greater good”?

            • Dashi@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Driving is a privilege, but i believe education is a right and requirement for every child. Parents can choose private/home/public but the education is a requirement. CPS can remove a child from a home if they are not going to school.

              I’d like to clarify, bodily autonomy is a right in my opinion.

              I do agree fundamentally with the draft. I do agree that in certain circumstances we can/ should give up rights “for the greater good”. The widening of surveillance after 9/11 for instance. I agree with it in concept but also agree it was abused and went on to long.

              I trust the people that we vote for and the checks and balances in place would stop overt abuse of the system. Do i think the system is perfect? No. Do i agree with everything Democrats do in office? No. Do i agree with everything Republicans do in office? No. But the concept i agree with.

              If i disagreed with a law vehemently enough, and voting/ trusting the system isn’t enough i would leave the country.

              As for punishments, that isn’t for one person to arbitrarily decide and should always be re assessed with the times.

              Ps: really making me regret using only mobile for lemmy lmao