It is no longer possible to book train tickets in Germany without providing your verified email or phone number. FYI, all phone numbers are linked to national ID cards in Germany.
“will only sell its long-distance savings tickets” so you can still buy non-saving (full price) tickets? A “mobile phone number or e-mail address” - how about using TutaNota, signing up anonymously? Or better yet, how about buying your ticket though (unrealistic?). Not too surprising considering airplane tickets (and pobably better than the TSA theater) , but this feels like another step to mass surveillance. (And Germany is supposed to be an anonymity friendly country: no to Client Side Scanning, the Wir speichern nicht movement, etc.)
Cash is good, but maybe experts don’t know there is another better option…?
The difference is that a savings ticket is bound to a specific train, whereas the full-price tickets have free train choice on the day of the ticket.