The eight Ohio police officers who fired scores of shots that killed Jayland Walker, a 25-year-old Black man, after a car and foot chase last year are back on active duty, officials said.

Akron Capt. Michael Miller, in a statement, cited a state investigation and an Ohio grand jury’s decision against indicting any officers in the June 2022 shooting death of Walker. As a result, he said, “all eight officers are back on full-time, active duty.”

Miller also said the department’s internal probe of the shooting is going through a final legal review and is expected to be released at the end of November.

Walker family attorney Bobby DiCello told WKYC-TV that the family is “saddened by the way in which they continue to be ignored” by the city of Akron, whose leaders, he said, have “never once reached out to discuss the employment of the eight officers or explain why the officers are being reinstated.”

    11 months ago

    Hating an entire profession

    Well, yes, and it’s great you said it. This profession is fucked by design, and singling out individual cops, even those, is rather useless if you look at big picture. This whole institute of high power and no consequencies is a cancer. It doesn’t solve much problems and causes a lot of them itself because of this imbalance. As a subgroup of our international society, cops invented killology, KGB-style torture of suspects, that iranian madness with faith-policing. Because everywhere they’ve got a blank check for violence they ended up abusing it. In states where they don’t carry guns everywhere and are frequently held accountable, they don’t have such a morbid reputation, right? This position they have enables them to be corrupts, irresponsible and trigger-happy bastards. Not even starting on laws they are said to enforce because arguably they don’t usually write them, you can see the police as an exploding matter that can blow up in your face at any moment, and yet we put it everywhere like sugar, pepper it with powder and go on with our day ignoring the risks we let grow without any oversight. I’m not in the mood to get wrapped in explosives, so I’d say ACAB, and wish this ‘police’ thing would get as minor as other paid public servants, like firefighters. I haven’t heard firefighters removed about having no ‘thin red line’ stickers, yet they are usually more endangered than cops. Guess, a collapsing building is less scary than one black guy. Maybe, they aren’t that helpful after all?