Israeli defence officials and former senior intelligence officers have said they expect fighting in Gaza to continue for at least a year, raising the prospect of thousands more civilian casualties, a deepening humanitarian crisis and a continuing grave threat to regional stability.

In a briefing, R Adm Daniel Hagari, a spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), said the centre and south of Gaza, where military efforts are now focused, was “dense and saturated with terrorists” with “an underground city of branching tunnels”.

Three months would be needed to clear the area and fighting would “continue during the year 2024”, Hagari said.

He said scattered fighting was to be expected in northern Gaza, along with rockets sporadically being launched from there toward Israel, but that Hamas militants were “without a framework and without commanders”.


    9 months ago

    23,000 dead Palestines, 8,000 of them dead kids, untold numbers mutilated or maimed, 2 million people without homes or shelter, everyone in Gaza starving to death, Israel killing noncombatants at a whim and youre “glad” about what Isreal is doing.

    At least you’re honest about being genocidal.

      9 months ago

      Over 8,000 of them terrorist fighters. All of whom intentionally caused as many of the other deaths as possible. All in the hopes that weak minded people with poor reasoning would ignore that what got the others killed is Hamas’s war crime (literally) of colocation.

      Hamas support is at an all time high. Their charter is literally genocide. But Hamas killing Gaza residents works, just look at the parade of stupid on WorldNews.

        9 months ago

        So Israel killed a child and a civilian for every single “enemy combatant” (i.e male over 13) and that makes you happy?

        You’re okay with 2 million people being homeless, starving to death, with hundreds of thousands injured and maimed? With Israel’s Ministers of security calling for mass deportation of Palestinians? With the outright murder of journalists?

        Your stance is clear. You support genocide as long as its killing people you hate. That makes you a monster.

          9 months ago

          No, Hamas did by committing the war crime of co-location. It’s literally one of their key tactics to radicalize people, like here on Lemmy.

          And no, I’m not okay with Hamas withholding all the aid and preventing it from getting to the civilians, but again, it works on people like you–they get you angry at Israel. Meanwhile, you want more aid, money, etc to go to Hamas. That’s literally where the aid goes, Hamas is the government in Gaza. LOL

          Your stance is clear, you’re getting dangerously radicalized and severely misinformed. Slow your indoctrination, expand your sources, and I hope you manage to not become too much of a terrorist sympathizer that you endanger yourself or others.

            9 months ago

            You replied to literally zero of my statements about Israel’s actions. To hear you talk, Israel isn’t even involved in the war, just Hamas. You cant even respond to Israel’s own defense ministers openly calling for genocide as they kill thousands of children and strand millions without food and shelter.

            Youre entire rhetorical style is literally “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” What action of Israels agasint the Palestine people would you not be okay with at this point?

            When you can only condemn a terrorist group and not acknowledge the genocide Israel’s goverment is engaged in to try to kill them, you have lost the plot.

              9 months ago

              No, you wrote a alt-left anti-Israel nonsense rant and accused me of terrible things. Nobody is okay with killing civilians, not me as you implied in your libel, not Israel who despite the ignorant claims otherwise is NOT targeting civilians. Do you think the death toll would be anywhere near as low as it is for the densest urban fighting we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes if they were trying to maximize civilian casualties? No. In addition, Hamas WANTS maximum civilian casualties, that’s what radicalizes the dumbs, and gets people to join them. Every dead Palestinian is a win for Hamas, they’re a group founded LITEARLLY (their words) on genocide.

              Every civilian killed is a loss for Israel, and they know it. Otherwise they wouldn’t provide medical treatment to people injured, which they DO despite lies claiming otherwise, otherwise they wouldn’t give ANY notification to areas with planned operations. Which they’ve done, even though it makes executing the mission much more difficult. And so on. Where things have gone terribly wrong, civilians have died as collateral (again, densest urban fighting in our lifetimes), and in war you can’t always make everything peace and roses. The superignorant 18-24 group in the US seems to think war is easy, and a civilian only dies when an evil Jewish state wants them to. However, the ENTIRE HISTORY OF WARS disagrees and has collateral damage, EVEN when the enemy is not co-locating like Hamas.

              Maybe if the Palestinian Arabs had not rejected a two state solution, what, like four or five times (pre-48 and post-48 combined), this wouldn’t be happening, I don’t know? But who cares about hypothetical, it’s where we’re at now.

              So again, you’re ridiculous libel accusing me of not caring about homeless starving to death. The ONLY reason those people are starving is Hamas, period—it’s why relief can’t get to the civilians and why even when it could it is stolen for Hamas. It’s not Israel, but you gotta be able to think past an Al-Jazeera/Qatar/Hamas (all the same thing) propaganda piece.

              Also, Hamas uses kids under 13, so… yeah.

              And no, I do not ignore any genocide or genocide adjacent talk from Likud. I’m vehemently Anti-Likud and Anti-Bibi and want to see them tried and convicted for their crimes BEFORE oct 7th of collective punishment and more. Along with Hamas and their most ardent supporters and financers (which is going to include a fuck ton of Palestian government officials). There’s been war criminals in this conflict since before the Ottoman’s lost the territory of Palestine.

              And the murder of journalists is another giant bunch of stuipdness you’re spouting. In what way does Israel benefit from it? You and people like you read fake stories all day long and believe them and get futher radlicalized and closer to becoming terrorists. Those stories aren’t going to stop because a journalist is killed, and they don’t depend on facts on the ground. Killing a journalist does nothing to stop what’s making you a terrorist sympathizer.

              A journalist as collateral damage in a war zone is never a victory for anyone, it’s always miserable PR and public support matters. There’s no win for Israel killing journalists. What you’re seeing… sigh… once again is war in a super dense urban setting. It’s not like a war where journalists are sitting a mile from the front lines. Anyone reporting there is in combat. It’s a war against terrorists using human shields. UNRWA spaces aren’t even safe because they’re basically a terrorist organization themselves under the UN, etc. They are a principal financial source of Hamas. Journalists being NOT killed would actually be more surprising. But it definitely feeds a tin-foil-hat alt-left MHGA fake narrative and helps further with the radicalization of people gullible enough to consume it.

              I condemn war crimes of the Israeli government, and before Israel existed of the Palestinian Jews who committed them. The difference is that I condemn the war crimes of the Palestinian Arabs, and now the stateless Gaza actors, whereas you have a head full of propaganda making you so crazy that you accuse strangers on the internet of being okay with civilians getting killed, and starvation of people, killing journalist, etc.

              Last, if you really fucking cared about this stuff in principle… you’d care about Haiti and DRC even more… they have WAY more millions of displaced people, you’d care about the Syrian refugee camp which is still MASSIVE and still fucking awful, etc. But your time is spent trying to attack strangers on the net as a knee-jerk to something you don’t know shit about.

              Hopefully, you feel answered and replied to now. With how you started the conversation, “fuck you”, is probably all you deserve. But I’m hoping that you’re not so far down the path of radicalization that you can be reasoned with a bit.

              PS: Here’s a link to ministers calling for genocide, since you care about it. It’s not comprehensive, but it’s a starting place if you want to climb out of your bubble.


      9 months ago

      There’s way too much white noise surrounding this conflict to trust any source aside from your own eyes.

        9 months ago

        Youre likely right. Israel destroyed all of the telecommunication infastructure and has killed more journalists than any other modern conflict, so the information is likely out of date. With 40% of Gaza population being children, there are likely more dead kids from direct attacks, bombings, or starvation.

        I expect the numbers of dead civilians and children are actually much worse.

          9 months ago

          In every war, you want to destroy the communications capabilities of your enemies–in this case Hamas. It’s a very basic military tactic (throughout the history of warfare), I get you’re trying to tin-foil-hat this into a conspiracy and fake story but that’s silly.