hi all, i tried installing through apt and got an older 0.6.4 and i tried installing through an appimage but for some reason nvchad didnt accept it. also what is nerdfonts and is that the default for linux mint? been at this for an hour and am very confused
hi! have you foubd out if nvchad works on flatpak?
Haven’t gotten to try yet, will do
For me personally, it doesnt load my configs. So better use appimage
does appimage get added to the bottom left app menu? it doesnt for me
No, you’d have to add a desktop file
and how do you do that
You can use this desktop file.
Add desktop files like this. Be encouraged to search the web for solutions on your own :)
is the appimage really not an option? I think if you did what the original comment told you it should work.
tried but it was funny, wouldnt lrt me doubld click into it and its ui was weirf