Car insurance rates are surging as Americans struggle to pay for basic necessities and ongoing debt.

The newest Consumer Price Index shows car insurance spiked 20 percent year over year. The surge in pricing occurred after years of gradual price inflation, with earlier reports finding the rates grew by 36 percent since 2020.

That’s at the same time debt is soaring for many Americans. While Americans hold around 1.75 trillion in student debt loans alone, they also have $1.05 trillion in credit card balances not paid off.

    8 months ago

    Most of the time, a red light camera causes someone to slam on their brakes to avoid passing through the red light, instead of just going straight through safely.

    It happens often when the light changes just before you get to the intersection and you’re going just fast enough that you’d have to slam on your brakes or go through the red light the second after it changes to red. Slamming on your brakes is more dangerous than moving through a clear intersection.