When I am cooking, I have trained myself to set a timer for 10 minutes.

My rule for cooking is “don’t leave the kitchen”, but that isn’t realistic. I wander without realizing. It’s an issue. I’ve been in another room and the timer has gone off and I’m like,“Oh fuck!”. I completely spaced it.

Anyway, when the timer goes, I set another timer for 10 minutes. Rinse and repeat until the stove is off.

  • markovianparallax@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    omg yes. When I’m making something and I suddenly have to pee the fear sets in that if I go pee I’ll wander off and forget I was ever making something. I swear I’ll start cooking, get distracted by needing to pee, while peeing remember something I need to do on my computer, while on my computer get distracted by my cat wanting food and end up back in the kitchen because I went to go grab my cat a snack and I’m like OH RIGHT.

    I don’t know how I ever get anything done.