• SinningStromgald@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Amen! I’m assuming Trump is going to win until he doesn’t. I’m also assuming if he doesn’t win we’ll have another 1/6 because there is no way he will drop the fraudulent election BS.

    I hope neither happens but I will love under the assumption of them happening till they don’t.

    P.S. No one particularly likes Biden but if given the choice between him and Trump/DeSantis there is no way in hell I’m not voting Biden.

    • dhork@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I like Biden. I just wish he wasnt such an old President. I wish he had gotten elected in 2008, with Obama as his VP. Crimea would be much different today. We probably wouldn’t have ever had a Trump Presidency, as Obama would have likely been elected in 2016 if he was up against Trump instead of Clinton.

      The biggest knock on Biden over the years was all the stupid stuff he says. (His “Gaffes”). But now that we’ve had a Trump Presidency, saying stupid stuff is an asset.

      • SinningStromgald@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Bidens speech has never bothered me since he has a legitimate reason for it. As for his age I agree he is to old. But I also think no one of retirement age, 65+, should hold elected office.

        • dhork@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          I’m not even talking about his speech impediment, though. He has famously let his mouth get ahead of his brain over the years, and said things that he immediately regretted. Heck, it’s possible that his age is helping him in this respect, because he can’t physically talk as fast anymore.

        • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          The thing is, Trump is only three years younger than Biden, so I don’t know why the focus is always on Biden’s age.

        • billwashere@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          It really depends on the 65 yo though. I mean I’m only 13 years from that and I don’t think I’m as quick as I was when I was 40. Now I consider myself a lot more wise than I was at 40 so I guess it’s a trade off.

          I do think there should be a limit honestly but more like 75. Of the folks I know that is when they really start hitting that cognitive limit. Like my MIL constantly getting turned around in my new house when they visited. It’s only like 1500 sq ft … how can you get lost? And don’t even get me started on the argument I almost got into with my FIL about student debt relief. He probably still thinks college can be paid for by working at McDonalds over the summer and books are like $20 a semester. Freakin’ boomers.

      • billwashere@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Yeah the age thing is a bit bothersome and I’m really tired of all these old boomers (I’m a gen-x’er) … can we get somebody in office who has a clue about tech please and not think the internet is a series of tubes.

        I do wish he were a little more progressive but for the most part he’s done a really good job. Am I excited about Biden? No. Am I scared to death of Trump/Rhonda Sand Tits? Fuck yes. Will I vote for Biden? Absolutely. I was so happy when Biden got into office and I didn’t have to wonder about the horse running through the hospital anymore (It’s a John Mulaney bit… quite hilarious).

    • SomeDude@feddit.de
      1 year ago

      Amen! I’m assuming Trump is going to win until he doesn’t. I’m also assuming if he doesn’t win we’ll have another 1/6 because there is no way he will drop the fraudulent election BS.

      It’s worse. Because of gerrymandering and voter suppression, democrats on average need to win the popular vote in state and national elections by 11 points just to overcome the bias towards Republicans and win a simple majority in the parliaments.

      P.S. No one particularly likes Biden

      I do. I genuinely do. I know many dislike him because he was responsible for some shit legislation and voting behaviour in the past. Dunno, student loans, crime reform, wars? Those are good points.

      But he has changed. He really has. And even if some of his personal views may have not changed, for example, about marijuana, he still adheres to his parties platform and public leftist opinion and implements such policy changes. That’s why he gave a federal pardon to everybody who got convicted for simple crimes of posessing marijuana and everybody who will..

      I deeply admire this guy. When he cries then he does so out of real emotions. He’s not like those psychopathic politicians who fake cry for personal gain.

      He’s a stutterrer and knows how it is get bullied and how to deal with that. He has lost his first wife, daughter and lost another son and knows that tragedies can happen to anybody, and it shouldn’t be a death sentence for a family that already struggels. He has a problematic son and still loves him unconditionally, unlike Trump who probably, actually hates his sons. He has seen how unemployment and low income affected his family, and how unionization has helped. That’s why he, even when he was proclaiming a more conservative platform than today, was always on the sides of unions (except until the striking train workers. Not sure what happened there and I’m sad he acted that way)

      He understands and values competency, and nominates and installs officials who know what they are doing, who are actually among the best at what they do, and he listens to them.

      If he has the means, he actually does the stuff he promised. He immediatly, literally in his first days of office, raised the minimum wage for all federal workers to 15$. He didn’t have the senate majority to to this for the national federal minimum wage, but what he could do he immediatly did. He stopped student loan payback until they had a plan ready to forgive it (at least the 10k he promised to forgive, which also would’ve made the majority of borrowers debt-free). And when the republican corrupt supreme court struck it down, he already had a Plan B to keep going.

      This dude knows how american politics works. Give him the tools, he gets shit done. He got the goddamn 1400$ checks through a Manchin and Sinema senate. He even got them to confirm his supreme court pick Ketanji Brown Jackson. This isn’t and wasn’t easy and he still got it done.

      He has done so much that people forgot because the propaganda campaigns immediatly stopped after he implemented the change. I already talked about the 1400$ checks (remember the shitstorm about those for months?) or the marijuana pardons. But do you remember the Insulin cap to 35$/month? Killing the Keystone XL pipeline? Ending Trumps family separation policy and reuiniting the families? Expanded Medicaid and Medicare? Enshrined same sex marriages into law to prevent another Roe vs Wade like overturn? That he used the wartime production act to kickstart the Covid-19 vaccines and literally that’s why we got them so quickly? Ended that muslim travel ban? Rejoined the Paris climate accord?

      Give that guy solid house and senate majorities for four years and the US will become a fucking amazing country.

    • Candelestine@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      My parents, of the same generation as the man, absolutely love him. So, he does have diehard fans, don’t mistake that.