Teachers will be forced to tell parents that their child is questioning their gender even if the young person objects under new guidance for schools in England, the equalities minister has indicated.
Teachers will be forced to tell parents that their child is questioning their gender even if the young person objects under new guidance for schools in England, the equalities minister has indicated.
No, their job is to teach the basics that we as a local society would like. They are funded by local tax payers to serve tax payers.
Noting that they’re government employees puts into perspective that these are people that should be serving the people, not establishing a government culture in our youth. In principle, there’s little difference between the government using elementary schools to shape the youth as the indian boarding schools. They’ve moved from teaching objective studies like math, english and science, with teaching about subjective topics like sexuality and gender.
Meanwhile our kids test scores are getting worse compared to our peer countries, despite spending a shit ton more money. Then they tell us the reason is because we aren’t giving them enough money.
You assume giving parents information about their kids school behavior is working against the kids, and also assuming the parents are unsupportive. What you’re asking is for governmeny employees to determine on behalf of the kids what’s better for them than their parents, and judging the morality of their parents based on incomplete information.
You’re asking the teachers to raise the kids. That’s not their jobs.
And we should invest in programs to help the homeless youth.
We can’t protect everyone from everything their parents do. And shouldn’t leave it up to government employees to make the determination of withholding information about a kids behavior at a place that the government forces parents to send their kids to at the threat of taking the kids away.
Have teachers teach and invest in programs that help the youth whose parents aren’t caring for them. Just like we say that cops have too many issues that they aren’t experts on that we call them for, teachers are being given too much responsibility for issues they aren’t experts in.