Chris Gloninger wove the reality of global heating into his forecasts in the conservative heartland of Iowa. Not everyone was receptive.

    1 year ago

    what is it with the US always having the dumbest of the dumb?

    I would gently suggest that Reddit-style hot takes might be better suited remaining on Reddit.

    As far as the actual data goes, the Pew Research organization did a survey on attitudes toward climate change by country back in 2019. The main takeaways:

    • Yep, the US lags behind most of Europe in regards to attitudes around climate change. However the disparity is more of shades of gray rather than the dramatic binary situation you described. There are deniers in every single country listed, and even Germany reported a full 27% of their population not considering climate change a serious threat. Sweden had 30%

    • On a longitudinal level, concerns about climate change have increased everywhere, including the US. Between 2013 & 2018, the proportion of US respondents who considered climate change a major threat increased 20%.

    • Unsurprisingly, there’s a major partisan gap in the US. 83% of left-leaning respondents considered it a major threat, whereas only 27% of right-leaning ones did.