• Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

    This sentiment is way too rare

    Except literally every time someone on the left points out the Dem leadership habit of inching in the right direction while not doing much to stop their fascist counterparts from yarding if not miling in the opposite.

    What little progress conservative Democrats DO graciously deign to bestow on the unwashed masses is the equivalent of getting a 2% raise in a year where your unavoidable expenses such as food, shelter, and medicine rose by double digits.

    That’s not good. That’s insufficient.

    • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      So give us more Democrats and you’ll get more results. It’s a simple question of mathematics. We can’t pass laws unless you give us the numbers in Congress.

      • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        So give us more Democrats and you’ll get more results. It’s a simple question of mathematics

        If they do their jobs well, they get rewarded with votes. It’s a simple question of not inverting the relationship between the public servants and the public.

        We can’t pass laws unless you give us the numbers in Congress.

        And people won’t vote for you if you pass bad laws and/or do nothing with the mandate you’re given. Which is what 90%+ of them do.

        If they start actually helping people more, people will reward them. Giving them all they want in return for bad job performance isn’t the motivator to do better you seem to think it is.

        • Triasha@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          If they do their jobs well, they get rewarded with votes. It’s a simple question of not inverting the relationship between the public servants and the public.

          Hard disagree. The public is not a monolith. It does not know what it wants, because most people want mutually exclusive things.

        • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          That’s not how it works. I’m not just saying that, I mean functionally, what you’re saying is impossible. We can’t make progress until we get the numbers in Congress, and you won’t give us the numbers in Congress until we make progress. So nothing ever gets done. Gridlock at best.

          And people wonder why the Dems seem so ineffectual. Its because our voters are piss poor at understanding how our fucking government works. Vote first, and then get results. It’s literally impossible for it to happen the other way around. People who are not in Congress can’t pass laws. You have to get them into Congress first.

          • intensely_human@lemm.ee
            2 months ago

            You can get results by going for things republicans also want. As in, negotiate with your counterparts on the hill.

            Sometimes the way forward isn’t one of overpowering all opposition. Not everything is a blitzkrieg.

          • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            the Dems seem so ineffectual. Its because our voters

            Classic victim blaming. “We’re doing a lousy job because of the people not trusting us in spite of doing a lousy job!” 🙄

            Vote first, and then get results.

            That hasn’t worked since 1978 at the very latest and it won’t suddenly start working now.

            The problem isn’t that the average voter doesn’t help Democrats enough. The problem is that Democrats don’t help the average voter enough.

            The reason for that problem isn’t a lack of mandate, it’s that the vast majority represent their big sum owner donors much more than the public at large. As shown by how the party fights anti-corporate Democrats much harder than they ever fight Republicans, even the fascists of today.

            People who are not in Congress can’t pass law

            And people who don’t prioritize the interests of the public don’t pass law that furthers the interest of the public over those that supply big legal bribes, no matter how many of them there are in Congress.

            • Triasha@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              What, precisely, do you think Democrats should be doing right now to help the American people?

              • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                Passing the long overdue minimum wage increase no matter what some unelected clerk with only symbolic authority thinks about it.

                And before you say it: yes I know it wouldn’t pass the House right now. The point is that they didn’t do It when they could, just like with almost everything that helps regular people without directly benefitting the ultra-rich and their corporations.

                As for what they CAN do in spite of the House being under fascist occupation, there’s also a couple things.

                Like halting all weapon shipments to the fascist apartheid regime of Netanyahu, Smotrich, Ben-Gvir et al and change the diplomatic stance towards them to something more akin the latter years of Apartheid South Africa and Serbia under Milošević.

                Like commuting the sentences of everyone who’s imprisoned for victimless crimes such as drug possession and voluntary sex work.

                Like closing the concentration camps Trump built on the southern border and revising ICE and USCIS guidelines and protocols to make legal immigration much easier and cheaper to do and provide an achievable pathway for all undocumented immigrants.

                That’s just off the top of my head. There’s probably hundreds if not thousands of other things that they can also do with just the Senate and the White house that would fundamentally change the lives of millions of people for the better.

                Then when they’ve earned goodwill by doing some of that, more people will vote for them, they’ll retake the House and be able to do even more good and get even more votes.

                It’s a virtuous circle in stead of the current downward spiral.

              • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                Blah blah Democrats always bad Republicans always mumble mumble but the main thing is be sure not to vote this election because democrats bad

                Burning Man called. They want their gigantic strawman back.

                If you’re not able to address what I AM saying, please don’t deflect to what you IMAGINE I might be saying based on your prejudice. It’s a waste of everyone’s time, I’ve heard it literally hundreds if times before and it wasn’t even clever or constructive the first time.

                We’re on to your voter suppression trolling attempts

                Nope. Saying that they need to do better and the votes will follow isn’t voter suppression. It’s legitimate dissent and would be good advice if they listened.

                Wish the admins had the balls to ban you people.

                More “every critic is secretly a Republican operative” shitlib deflection from the real inadequacies of the people you reflexively defend.

                Banning me for having dissenting opinions would be some authoritarianism bullshit and an example of something you would (correctly) excoriate the far right echo chamber or tankies for.

                  • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
                    2 months ago

                    Maybe the fact that you’re accusing me of all sorts of untrue things, calling me “you people” like I’m part of some amorphous mass rather than a person, and asking for me to be banned for having a different perspective than yours might be it?

                    Nah, it was removed for “calling me out” 🙄