Wait, whales are bees?
What if the caped guy actually named a mighty fish instead of siding with one of two wrong answers?
I love these type of arguments. The idea that only the really stupid and the really smart are right. That the majority is collective stupid.
yeah this is one of my favourite meme formats when done right
I guess Jedi masters consider fish to be a monophyletic group.
Either that or there are no fish at all.
Fish is just a survival strategy. Like trees
Fish didn’t independently evolve that strategy so mammals are fish.
Chronologically, fish is bugs
But bugs are a specific branch of insects.
What does that even mean?
Except beavers.
Sure, that’s why you are allowed to eat beaver during fasting season
There’s no such thing as a fish
One of my favorite podcasts
If it swims, it’s a fish
ducks, well known fish
Before the Filet-O-Fish, McDonald’s sold “the Hula Burger”, which was a grilled ring of pineapple on a toasted bun. For all the Catholics who practiced “meatless” Fridays. . . .
. . . Is this the aiop communi- . . Oh.
Ummmm. Sssssorry.
Turkeys are the most advanced fish?
We all came from fish, why can’t whales return to fish?
As it should be.