This is beautiful.
Math, not even once.
Derivatives: just say NO.
I’ve actually seen fractals before and it’s the most interesting thing ever
I once experienced the carpet morphing into a fractalized Aztec mandala, which I then fell into and spiraled downwards through into a vast lime colored underground sea in a cavern full of purple bats.
This happened while I was trying to have sex (amazingly, we succeeded, it helped that my wife was sober).
Holy shit
I have seen then on the brushed aluminum of my laptop at the time on regular (large dose) LSD… and I certainly see them (and strings connecting the present to the “future” on n,n-DMT.
DMT brings you to the fractal universe, albeit for only a short visit.
I know, right? I want an explanation so badly.
I’m doing a [LARGE AMOUNT] here in a couple weeks, I’ll get back if I find out.
For the feds:
Safe travels!
Aren’t we all feds here? Fed-y? Fedsy? Fedis?
Seriously, though… Is there some fractal geometry to the way our neurons are interconnected/communicating that’s responsible for producing the kinds of visuals we see under the influence of certain substances? Or do we still have way too much to learn about the brain before we answer questions like that?
Everything is fractals, duuuude…
This is literally what it looks like after you do an irresponsible amount of mushrooms and need to take a nap
also this just reminded me I know how to draw one of those cool curved planes.
Like this:
Basically you take two lines at a right angle, make a bunch of marks at even intervals on each, then draw a line from the furthest on one axis to the closest on the other axis and repeat.
That reminds me of the nail and string art we used to make in the 70s.
Like this
There was some 1990s documentary about fractals, narrated by Arthur C. Clarke (I think), where he said something along the lines of “I’ve not tried this myself, but I’ve been told there’s certain illegal chemicals that can cause hallucinations that look like fractals”.
(I have this on VHS tape somewhere. Should probably digitise it.)
Not because drugs, real world IS fractal
Did Spider-Man and Doctor Strange do drugs before that one fight scene?
Yes. Next question.
This isn’t an actual New Yorker comic, right?
Needs more imaginary numbers
Needs more higher dimensional objects