Apart from being a jerk, it looks like you’re also either just wrong or spreading disinformation
Please specify which part is “wrong or spreading disinformation”
The nazi’s were a bit more hateful than to exclusively murder jews. They were the ones primarily targeted though.
Then, I don’t know if you just happen to be wrong, or maybe you were intentionally lying. I like to presume some people just forgot to do a quick google search before speaking online.
Ah, yes, I am bad at that
I don’t know what you were expecting going in to the topic with such hostility and aggression, whatever it was I certainly can’t blame those mods for removing your comments, honestly I’m surprised they didn’t ban you from the community for that. You absolutely deserve it.
such hostility and aggression,
Against who?
It’s .world, all of those communities you have to treat with kids gloves, like you’re still on reddit. Their only issue with reddit is the number of ads displayed.
They are just using any pretext to censor content they don’t approve of.
At least we have modlog here!
So, because you can’t conduct yourself like a mature adult in a discussion where people disagree with you, it’s clearly biased mods….
If you hadn’t shared a screenshot of you acting like a child, you may have had more traction for your argument.
Thank you daddy
Your a super combative person, your posting history makes it clear. Your tone isn’t correct for all situations. Finding different ways to express yourself will serve you better in the future.
That’s a fair take.
All of your comments were removed because you’re a jerk about what you’re saying and not because of the content of what you have to say. This has nothing to do with “sensitivity around discussion of Germany” as you put it and everything to do with how you’re choosing to interact with people.
i love you don’t even really need an explanation for this one it’s just straightforward. most communities are unfriendly to even 1 “🤡” but multiple? in succession? at that point it doesn’t matter who your interlocutor is, you might as well be begging for it
If that were true, half of my comments would be removed.
I positing that modding here was done due to content of message. Comments discussing power structure within Germany get removed regularly though.
I mean, you have a pretty extensive modlog in which you have unnecessarily rude comments removed across a host of topics. I think that speaks to your approach more than your subject matter.