“Janice and I lived in our home since 1979. We raised our children and grandchildren here. Every inch of our house was filled with love. Beautiful memories that can’t be taken away.”

This one hit me hard. I wish what Billy said was true, but it isn’t that simple. As we get older, it gets very difficult to remember everything clearly. When people say “a house full of memories”, what they really mean is a “a house full of memory triggers”. Mr. Crystal, his wife, and his children have lost a lot of those triggers to the fire.

I might be silly and sentimental, but this made me genuinely very sad.

  • oxjox@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    I simply suggested that you use the resources available to you before calling people out. The appropriate response would be, “Oops. Sorry, I confused empathy and grief.” It’s an easy mistake and an easy apology that would have been respectfully accepted.

    Instead, you’ve chosen to double down on your attack and have continued to treat me as an aggressor.

    It’s apparent that you’ve been indoctrinated by modern internet / “Karen” culture. I offered to help you but you’ve been unwilling to acknowledge your mistake. You’ve made it my fault that you misread, misinterpreted, and misquoted what I wrote. This is something that could transcend your own real life and affect the relationships you have with people. The next person you misquote may not be as generous.

    • partial_accumen@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I simply suggested that you use the resources available to you before calling people out.

      Is that what you did? I saw what you posted instead which was this:

      Perhaps you should open a dictionary before you make such assumptions about people in a public space.

      That is hardly the helpful tip you made it out to be.

      Instead, you’ve chosen to double down on your attack and have continued to treat me as an aggressor.

      Again, look at what you posted. You’ve been aggressive to me from the start. I even gave you the benefit of the doubt, and talked to you like a reasonable person.

      This is something that could transcend your own real life and affect the relationships you have with people. The next person you misquote may not be as generous.

      I’m going to simply chalk up your responses as you having a bad day. I don’t know what in life caused you to see enemies around every corner. I hope, in time, you can heal from that.

      Have a great day! (don’t worry, this isn’t some kind of bullying. I honestly hope you have a good day.)