Has the orange arse even hit the seat yet? People were really fucking fast with throwing out all their pretense of progressivity.
Anti-trans laws have only increased in recent years. Having a Republican president won’t impact state legislatures and their momentum on this
I’ve been trans to over 10 years. We never left the cross hairs. The vast majority of people do not care about us
The Christian nationalists have been waiting for the second coming of their messiah (Cheeto Jesus), and US society hasn’t moved past the times of burning witches and Christian crusades, so they are just getting warmed up for the real battle.
Why do we still deal with gendered bathrooms in 2025?
Just get a specific urinal room, and mark the rooms with stalls as “WC”.
Interestingly, SEATAC airport has started doing exactly that in (at least Concourse D). It’s one big long hallway with sinks on one wall and floor-to-ceiling doors for the toilets. And a separate room off to the back with a sliding door for urinals. They’ve got enough toilets that wait times aren’t too atrocious
I agree with you in theory, but as a dude who has had to take a dump after a long flight I really appreciate the shorter line
Looking at the bill text for HB-121. Looks like the “covered entities” can be sued if they even grant permission to someone to use a restroom that doesn’t match their sex. Or if they don’t “take reasonable steps to prohibit” them from using the facilities, whatever that means.
It also doesn’t mention how one might determine another’s sex. Should get spicy.
I wonder how the history books will look back on this. Will there someday be a Rosa Parks of pooping?
I bet we can fundraise to get you there so you can just poop on the floor in the middle of the hearing. You can be the hero
Starts about one minute in
Find these lawmakers lawns, those can be your new gender neutral bathrooms. 💩
I thought the entire point was to keep Trans people away from the kids? How is an adult only bathroom affecting kids? This some Jim Crow type shit
And hopefully they get the first anti-trans “fuck off” of 2025.