some people trigger me so easily it’s scary. Most of them are loud, lazy coworkers that somehow piss me off very easily.

Is this a normal reaction to morons?

it’s not like I want to punch them, I’m simply relaxed and work better when I don’t have to see them. They slow me down.

    2 months ago

    I am not a better human being, but I’m combating my irritability one cause at a time. Firstly, treating physical conditions that cause irritability (as much as money has let me): hormonal issues, sleeping issues, etc. Secondly, addressing psychological and psychiatric problems (I had to learn a lot of these topics because I wasn’t able to afford specialists all the time and it was an interest of mine anyway). Finally, fixing external or environmental causes, e.g. working on changing toxic relationships.

    It is still a work in progress, but my life is getting calmer and calmer as I am ticking the boxes in that list. At some point, you get to a place where you can search for your own answers, existentially speaking, and that also helps. Here I mean exploring philosophy and your own ideas; your feelings, your passions, etc.

    Be patient. Be compassionate with yourself (and others).