Welcome to the Vegan Theory Club Weekly Megathread!
Question of the week:
What are you doing to stay warm if you are in the northern hemisphere? What are you doing to stay cool if you are in the south? Any seasonal activities you’re getting into?
Feel free to talk about anything, whether it’s vegan-related or not. This is a chill space for connecting, sharing ideas, and supporting each other.
Looking forward to hearing what everyone’s up to!
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I fucking love the heat. I’m not comfortable unless it’s above 25 C so this time of year with the high 30s shade temps and blistering sun is basically the only time I enjoy being outside. I wish I could move somewhere warmer without basically never seeing my family again and losing the ability to get back into this city because house prices go brr.
Sometimes I close blinds in the arvo so the house is cooler overnight. Mostly just sweat a lot, shower a lot, and drink a lot of water.
To give you an idea of how heat adapted I am, I use a pierzyna year round haha. Even when the nights are in the 40s.
Astronomy is more comfortable this time of year, but it’s also been very cloudy. Had a look at c/2024 g3. Weird to think it’s the second time humans have ever seen it, and if humans ever see it again (100k years) they will probably by unrecognisably different. Space makes you think deep thoughts sometimes.
I am also heat adapted. I like it when it is over 40c here too the main issue is the sun when it shines directly on you but I use a reflective umbrella and it is fine. All the time people tell me they could never live in the desert because how hot it is but honestly I can’t go back to a place with a cold winter lol. Today is probably the coldest day of the year and it was 1 over night and is now 17 and I’m freezing.
Yeah, people have a hard time in the sun but also they don’t dress right (in their defense, there are cultural pressures to dress like Europeans and not our neighbours in SEA). You need a hat or parasol, flowy light clothes, and shitloads of sunscreen. It also helps to let yourself develop some calluses on your feet so you don’t burn them if you pop out of the house without shoes.
When I went to Thailand in the dry season it was like 25 out with a breeze so I put a jumper on. Went outside and saw everyone else was wearing one too. I felt vindicated that day haha.
It doesn’t get thaaaat cold here, but the houses aren’t properly insulated so in winter it tends to be around 10-15 degrees inside which is extremely uncomfortable. People say “just rug up” but like I don’t want to wear thermal underwear and a parker bumming around reading a book :/
Oh I would never go outside without shoes, I don’t think calluses would help you here when the pavement is over 80 degrees, and then on the turf there are all the cactus needles, scorpions and snakes lol. I do not wear t-shirts and shorts though which seems obvious to Americans and in particular people from California, I wear white long sleeve linen clothing and pants with a shemagh wrap then also carry a reflecting/UV proof parasol
Ive been working a lot of overtime so my strategy has been to just not go outside. So no seasonal activities or anything fun. Fortunately i should be about done with the overtime. Looking forward to not feeling like a zombie
This past week we made a vegan sausage cassorole. Used store bought sausages and they were just ok. I think i need to give making our own a try because I’m sure it would be cheaper and then id have better control over quality. Has anyone had any luck making their own sausages? No need for a recipe unless you have a link handy
I haven’t tried sausages but seitan and tvp together makes for a relatively chunky meaty taste. That might be a place to look for something with more texture than just seitan.
Molasses is a bit of a trick for a smokey/meaty flavour. Then spices/msg etc to taste?
Appreciate it!
I’m hanging out on an electric blanket 🏡
I work currently as a delivery driver so yeah, I’m outside a lot. I wear layers of thermal shirts, a synthetic sherpa-lined hoodie that is like 3 times warmer than my winter coat, some knitted gloves and hat, and super thick work socks designed for wear with steel-toed shoes. They are so thick, it’s hard to get my shoes on. So extra layers, warmer outerwear, etc. If it gets above 30f outside I actually start to sweat lol.
Since my country of origin is alot cooler than Australia(new Zealand) i don’t handle the heat to well, around 30c is where i need to strip down because its just unbearable. I much prefer anything under 25c
That is when I’m chilly! I love living in a hot place, I was very happy to be able to move to one and work remotely
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