Wait, men are supposed to have emotional support networks?
As a 54 yo man, what’s a support network?
34 yo male here, I think its when you make a girdle out of ethernet cables
Ok this really made me laugh of loud. Thank you!!
What we aim to be for our kids.
no kidding… well when I can get them to talk to me. <sigh>
Knowing you’re there when they want you is support, too. That’s where we start.
What a weirdly wide timeframe to consider
Well, you will have to consider it alone.
So, within the next 60 years one of my close friends probably dies? Sounds about right.
(The article actually specifically states that it does drop from 2 to 1 on average. Couldn’t find a number for woman in there.)
I wonder how they figured out the indicator for half of zero.
It’s some new math. Like infinity + 1.
So, theoretical.
Study - most people die before 120
This is idiotic. Admittedly, I’m not wasting time on the article but… Duh! Between 30 and 90 all of your parents/aunts/uncles and half of your friends are going to die. The fact that they think you still have half at 90 is crazy. Unless your grand/great grand kids are providing emotional support and you end up with a ton of them… this is too wide of a range to be of any use.
Emotional support network?? Whats that??
Funny, mine already halved and I’m nowhere near 30!
I’m going to just go ahead and not share this one with my mother
Oh you fool. You can’t divide by zero.
Rise of fascism is when you divide by zero enough times I guess…
Sounds high considering most people aren’t living far past 70
That’s a big leap from “235 men who were originally recruited as Harvard University students between 1939 and 1942” to “all men.”