• TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
    27 days ago

    We live in the best era possible in the best places of the world.

    That’s what people thought during the so-called Roaring Twenty’s before the Great Depression and World War 2 happened.

    History repeats itself. People enjoy the highs; rest on their laurels; become too greedy and decadent; wealth inequality grows; the masses become pushed to extreme poverty; a demagogue comes claiming to save them; civil unrest happens; conflict happens; people learn and tell themselves never again; new wealth is generated; people become greedy again; wealth inequality happens again; demagogues reappear-- and the cycle continues. We have seen this happen from the ancient Chinese empires, the Roman empire, to the French, Germans, and now the USA. Just because it is good for now, it doesn’t mean the bad won’t ever come even if the tell-tale signs are present. It is the calm before the storm after as they. If the wealth inequality is not stemmed in the USA like what happened under Franklin Roosevelt, the situation that happened in Germany might happen instead there.