Until we see him and Musk and the rest of the party hauled away in chains, you can hold on to your virtue signalling.
Oh we notice… but we’re still sharpening the moose antlers.
whew. at least they aren’t up to calling-up the squadrons of geese.
Cross that border and you’ll get frostbite … and if it’s warm outside, you’ll be swarmed by mosquitos and black flies
Please don’t release the geese, followed by the meese.
lol … I always love explaining this. I’m Indigenous Canadian, 100% Ojibway from northern Ontario and I fluently speak my Indigenous language, it’s my first language before English.
The Ojibway word for moose is … moose … (it’s an Indigenous word that hasn’t changed)
The Ojibway word for the plural of moose is … moosuk
I will die on meese is plural hill. It’s my fetch, I’m gonna make it happen.
Goose… Geese.
Moose… Meese.
Perfectly balanced.
I really like this, and I think moosuk really encapsulates the feeling of stumbling across more than one moose in the wild, but the last thing English needs is another standard for pluralization.
Not a majority consesus but a plurality of the voting population asked for this man to lead them…
I love my Seattle and Portland PNW neighbours, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to let this unilateral aggression from DC slide.
As I said on Mastodon: too fucking little too fucking late.
What I am noticing, as a Canadian, is that they have to push back against it.
Pushing back against it should be the default stance. The root of the problem here is that tariffs are even on the table.
What I’m noticing is a lot of uncertainty and I don’t like that.
The US needs to take care of themselves too and if they need tariffs to do that, then it’s perfectly fine. There’s a limited number of things that can benefit them and we can plan around them if needed. The problem is that the current administration doesn’t seem to care about the well-being of the country at all. There’s little rhyme or reason to anything happening down there so literally anything can happen. You can’t plan around that.
You’ve described the problem completely. There’s little rhyme or reason to their actions.
I understand the motivations behind it, but they’re superficial at best. Some chest beating, hoo-rah, fuck yeah, America! Shit.
They’re trying to “fix” things by enforcing blanket rules without any consideration to the collateral damage caused by their policies; it also seems like they don’t have a full understanding of what the policies their implementing will do, in and of themselves, separate from what collateral damage it might cause.
To me, I draw parallels between the 3 wish genie conundrum. You ask for a million dollars and you get it, but then the IRS wants to know your location and how you got $1M (or in our case CRA). The you get what you literally asked for kind of deal, and getting all the consequences of that, most of which you didn’t consider would be a problem.
A nontrivial number of Americans dislike immigrants, ignoring the fact that most of them are white, European descent people, who at one time would have been the immigrants, so they want all immigrants to be deported, then when that actually happens, and as a result, the labor costs for staple foods skyrocket, or insufficient workforce can be found to pick the grapes, berries, fruits and vegetables, driving the cost up, and the availability of these products down. Then they tariff all the imports, making any imported produce cost just as much or more, and suddenly you’re paying $8.95/lb for bananas.
It’s a lack of thought, consideration and understanding of the actions they’re taking (and/or asking to be taken), and the consequences of those decisions.
Merely pushing back against a leader that is breaking his own laws doesn’t warrent us paying any attention beyond putting it up on Just For Laughs.
Making those leaders that are actively breaking so many laws actually pay the piper is the bare minimum to make it worth sitting up for, and the US has two sitting presidents that needs to be addressed this way.