Is there a place to watch lemmy user numbers in real time? interested to see if there’s a spike as users try out something else with their new free time.

    1 year ago

    Why did you extrapolate his disdain for the same beat up (and demonstrably untrue) sentiment for support of Reddit? You realize that one can dislike the corporation while simultaneously understanding and accepting that a VERY large amount of users are still on it? The vast majority of users could not give less of a fuck about API charges or the various third party apps which got axed.

    Before I left Reddit, I remember a post on r/sysadmin that the mods had made showing how many people actually used which platforms to consume the content on that sub. Surprisingly, people using third party apps and old.Reddit made up less than 20% (maybe 10%) of participants.

    Now could argue that those 10-20% of users were the ones who made the sub worth browsing but it would be a baseless comparison as we don’t know that to be 100% true, for all we know they’re just lurking and not really contributing.

    All of this is evidenced by the fact that a lot of big subs that the casuals who use the awful Reddit app / new Reddit website are back to open now with people mindlessly scrolling them and getting served up ads.

    Look I want to believe as badly as you seem to that a few users leaving Reddit will be it’s downfall but the reality of the situation is that they’ve just trimmed the fat and all the power users running 3rd party apps and adblockers left.