Erotic roleplaying is not unique to furries, but it’s interesting how widespread it is.

While not for everyone, I haven’t found an online community where ERPing is more prevalent (although I might be wrong).

So, question time: do you ERP? I do love it, but I really do it extremely seldomly or actually not at all due to the huge amount of time it requires to do a proper scene. And when I cum I always feel bad for the time I’ve “wasted”.

  • 稲荷大神の狐
    1 year ago

    I’ve done it a bit since I was 18, I do it seldomly now though. It can be really fun when you find the right partners to do it with. When you do, it really helps further set the mood of the erp and makes it very intimate. And when the both of you cum, IRP and IRL it feels great! It becomes a very memorable session you never forget.

    I’ve had some RP’ers like that, they made it fun, exciting and it felt like you were with them in a very fun environment and worked up to the yiff and made the yiff and the entire session special. Something worth logging and looking over again because it becomes a fond memory.

    But I have also had most RP’ers that are extremely over excited because it is their first time erping and well, they don’t think about setting up the environment, detailing out the description of their fursona for the erp, or detailing their actions. They want to get into the yiffing immediately and are completely undescriptive in what they do.

    I like to be descriptive, so I might say, “I push you back onto the bed with a smile on my face, crawling atop you and straddling your waist, I proceed to wrap my arms around your neck and stare deeply into your lovely gray eyes, intimately, I lean down, muzzle to muzzle and proceed to kiss you. Pushing my tongue into your mouth to play with yours.”

    Where as they will go “Let’s you and says nothing, letting you feel my member against your ass, then I push it into your ass.”

    Which is just boring, it isn’t intimate or fun. So you just go through the motions till the rp is over. Which felt like the biggest waste of time and kills the mood for you.

    Part of the reason I don’t do it as much anymore.