I have had similar experiences throughout my life with cannabis enjoyers offering up all kinds of theories and approaches for solving my severe incompatability with the plant. It would seem that my extreme panic attacks/psychedelic anxiety spirals brought on immediately with the chemical’s onset are just simple matters of my mindset, paranoia, and/or the particular strain I’m smoking. It can all be solved by smoking indica instead of sativa, or by consuming a higher quality bud like Golden Berry Diesel or Anal Bifida. Nevermind that I’ve enjoyed countless other psychedelics throughout my life without the presence of the negative psychological effects brought on by THC specifically. This is all just me needing to not worry about it so much, or to smoke Buddha Fart Punch or Goatse Golddigger next time around.
I think people really misunderstand how differently people are affected by things. Putting drugs aside, people can have completely different reactions to regular food or mundane environmental conditions like dust and humidity.
I know a lot of people that enjoy cannabis and if you go one at a time and ask them what they enjoy about it, you get a huge variety of answers. Some of the things people say the get from it will be directly contradicting other things that other people say they get from it.
“It calms me down!” vs “it gets my creative juices flowing”
“It settles my stomach” vs “it makes me nauseous”
“It makes boring stuff exciting!” Vs “it makes me content doing nothing.”
And a thousand other reactions people have to it.
For some people pot gives them anxiety attacks, for other people pot eliminates their anxiety attacks. I think it’s foolish to expect people to have the same or even similar experiences as each other when consuming substances.
I know plenty of people that don’t like grapefruit, I love that shit. You do you!
I have had similar experiences throughout my life with cannabis enjoyers offering up all kinds of theories and approaches for solving my severe incompatability with the plant. It would seem that my extreme panic attacks/psychedelic anxiety spirals brought on immediately with the chemical’s onset are just simple matters of my mindset, paranoia, and/or the particular strain I’m smoking. It can all be solved by smoking indica instead of sativa, or by consuming a higher quality bud like Golden Berry Diesel or Anal Bifida. Nevermind that I’ve enjoyed countless other psychedelics throughout my life without the presence of the negative psychological effects brought on by THC specifically. This is all just me needing to not worry about it so much, or to smoke Buddha Fart Punch or Goatse Golddigger next time around.
Sorry, I got way off topic there.
I think people really misunderstand how differently people are affected by things. Putting drugs aside, people can have completely different reactions to regular food or mundane environmental conditions like dust and humidity.
I know a lot of people that enjoy cannabis and if you go one at a time and ask them what they enjoy about it, you get a huge variety of answers. Some of the things people say the get from it will be directly contradicting other things that other people say they get from it.
“It calms me down!” vs “it gets my creative juices flowing” “It settles my stomach” vs “it makes me nauseous” “It makes boring stuff exciting!” Vs “it makes me content doing nothing.” And a thousand other reactions people have to it.
For some people pot gives them anxiety attacks, for other people pot eliminates their anxiety attacks. I think it’s foolish to expect people to have the same or even similar experiences as each other when consuming substances.
I know plenty of people that don’t like grapefruit, I love that shit. You do you!
Gotta hit that THC infused fish.
That shit is off the scales, bro.
Jesus that’s practically an allergy. You can’t “chill” your way out of a severe reaction 🤦🏻♀️
I’m sorry you had to deal with that.
Psychedelic Anxiety Spiral would make a great band name.