Honestly, labels might encourage some of the stupider ones to drink it: “BIG BAD GUBBERMINT put this warning label on this here product! Well, I’m not going to be a cuck for the DEEP STATE! Fuck Fauci, George Soros and Bill Gates! They cannot tell ME what to do!” {chugs bleach}
Oh true, could switch up the strategy. Just start spreading that people who follow the warning labels and proper use guidelines are all beta cuck soy boys and they’ll take care of themselves lol.
Honestly, labels might encourage some of the stupider ones to drink it: “BIG BAD GUBBERMINT put this warning label on this here product! Well, I’m not going to be a cuck for the DEEP STATE! Fuck Fauci, George Soros and Bill Gates! They cannot tell ME what to do!” {chugs bleach}
Oh true, could switch up the strategy. Just start spreading that people who follow the warning labels and proper use guidelines are all beta cuck soy boys and they’ll take care of themselves lol.