I’ve used a towel style bath mat for decades, I think it’s the most hygenic. It goes on the floor to shower, then gets hung to dry between showers.
I lay floors and hadn’t seen a “permanent” bath mat in years but ran into one today. It was that typical shag rug style, bright pink. This was a clean house but it was strange to me, I didn’t think anyone used those anymore.
I have a few nice cushiony ones that are quite comfortable to stand on. They stay in use for quite a long time before I swap them out because they don’t get that dirty. Though I recently learned that may be because apparently some people don’t towel off in the shower first like I do, and instead just immediately step out after finishing their shower, dripping water all over the floor. Thankfully, these people do not live with me. Lol
Yeah we towel off in the shower.
We have a wooden slat type mat thing. Inevitably a few drips on the floor but not a puddle.
It got mouldy once, I put it outside in the sun for a few days.
A wooden one? Can you send a picture? That actually sounds kinda interesting.
My wife and I shower together, someone is getting out sopping wet because either the other one is still going or there’s just not enough room to both dry in the shower. Heated floor dries the bath mat just as well as the towel rail anyway