I did not see this published outside of India. But not sure why. It’s all based on Xitter.
Musk’s ketamine dealer should do the world a favor and add a big dose of fentanyl to the next delivery.
Let’s not. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Republicans try to pin the blame on Canada or some bullshit to push their agenda.
One thing I do wonder though is what happens to his empire/money if he were to OD and bite it. Would banks just absorb it to cover loans or is it going to be split across a few dozen illegitimate kids?
Good question. I think it would certainly tank Tesla, xAI, and investors will take over X.
So we gave up 1 mad king 250 years ago only to pick up 2 now?
🎵 You’ll be back… 🎵
Elon Musk could have been remembered as a cool tech guy. All he had to do was just keep running his companies and let the smart people working for him do the talking. Nobody would be the wiser that he didn’t know what he was talking about.
Instead, he let his ego get in the way of things and people know him for who he really is. I used to think he was pretty smart. After reading the things he writes, it became apparent that his companies thrive despite him, not because of him.
Nah he couldn’t cause he’s a fraud. Going right is his exit plan.
I know he still has a lot of dick riders but, honestly, I think him streaming Path of Exile live really hurt him with the demographic that was his main fans. White young to middle age males that play video games.
It became the perfect analogy to use to explain to that group of people why actual engineers and scientists know he’s an idiot. He could hide behind criticism because the average person doesn’t know enough about those things to know what he doesn’t know.
But when all the gaming channels started mocking him for not knowing the games UI and not knowing his (paid for) character at rank 3 had some of THE BEST gear. Dude confused “level required” vs gear item level.
It was just such a great example to show people how much of a complete fraud he was. At least people in that demographic. You didn’t even need to play PoE, if you ever played a game you could tell he had no idea what he was doing in his supposedly top ranked player in the world.
Though you still had people defending it, I think for the casual Elon “fan” in that demographic it was pretty eye opening.
It also says a lot about him that he thought he could get away with faking that. He fakes all his other achievements.
He had a pr team helping him, it did wonders for his public image, he became even more narcissistic and got rid of them. also he kinda changed around the time the epstein thing came out too, suspicious?
We noticed.
someone buy him a pistol.
“Combination Of Depression, Drugs And Stress”
Sounds like my life without billionaire part.
Weird, been a stressed and depressed druggo for a decade and I’ve still somehow avoided becoming a nazi
Wonder what would happen to Elmo if Grimes drops the pegging tapes…
Fox News would suddenly push how awesome and Alpha pegging is?
Sounds like a net gain for society.
Its speaking of Musk, but whose this skinny Asian guy in the picture?
In my opinion, he’s long gone mad, just look at all this nonsense with Twitter and his “awesome” ideas.
I thought that he always was an asshole and just dropped the facade, but him once being somewhat sane (as far as billionaires go) and going mad from stress and drug abuse seems like a plausible hypothesis, too. Either way, doesn’t change that he needs to be stopped
Yeah. Not mutually exclusive, either.
Oh no… anyways…
Someone who cares about him needs to take him off the internet permanently
there’s your problem innit
So get him the fuck out of anything important
I thought that CEO’s got that mighty scratch because they were made of sterner stuff.