I break and drop and lose sunglasses constantly, I have to buy 3 or 4 new pairs a year so I’m not interested in buying anything expensive. Until recently I bought some Chinese 5 euro crap but I would prefer to buy 10-15 euro EU made crap. Is there anything like that available?
Have you tried analyze why you break so many? Maybe there is something you could do that would be even cheaper than buy cheap sunglasses?
I break them in whatever fashion you can imagine because I forget I have them with me and sit on them, i throw them in my backpack and then smash them with 6 pack of milk, I put them in a pocket with keys and they scratch. Most of the time I just leave them somewhere because I forget about them. Idk what could be cheaper than buying them cheap.
Maybe get a glass case? I have one (two) in my messenger bag, never broke my reading nor my sunglasses, no matter how badly I treat my poor bag ;)
There are hard case and soft ones, depending your usage.
I used to do the same when I bought cheap sunnies. I went on a whim and purchased a designer pair, and have had them 10 years now. If something has more cost, you tend to take care of it more. At least I do.
Tried that. 150e sunglasses were great until I lost them somewhere a month or two later :) I’m more of a bog monster rather than fashion concious guy, my mind doesn’t like keeping the data on accessories. When it stops raining i put an umbrella anywhere and forget about its existence, the same with sunglasses when a cloud covers the sun for 5 minutes.
Sounds like a professional sunglasses thrower to me
Unfortunately this isn’t a Europe wide chain, just Nordic.
But I love their polarised fishing glasses. 8.5e (used to be like 5).
I go through a few pairs a year pretty much.
I don’t know where they’re made, but I’ve had good experiences with the Decathlon 15-20 euro sunglasses. Polarised at that price is a rarity! (I tend to lose/scratch/run into something with my sunnies on a yearly basis)
Do you care about fashion? If not, I recommend sporting sunglasses. I wear cycling sunnies, for example. They won’t break as easily if dropped. There are super expensive ones from brands like Oakley’s, but any chain sports company should also have their own cheaper house brand.
Higher than your budget (~50€) but maybe others will find useful: maybe Meller? Not sure about the production and ownership structure but they say they were founded in Barcelona
Perhaps https://www.cheapasssunglasses.com/ ? While the shop is European (Dutch), I expect the glasses are made in China.
I nearly never break my sunglasses but I’m still very eager to hear more about European manufactured sunglasses in any price range. I’ve been trying find alternatives several times during past years but with very slim results.
I was the same until I needed prescription glasses. My sunglasses now were much more expensive than the cheap, crap ones but as a direct consequence from that I pay much more attention to them. I haven’t lost or destroyed them despite having them for 7 years now. So my advice is splurge a little bit and get yourself some nice sunglasses. I’m sure you’ll take better care of them than of the cheap ones.
I tried that. 150 euro sunglasses were great, they felt amazing on my face for those two months until i couldn’t find them anymore.
What part of the glasses are you breaking? I broke the hinge once and since then I watch out to buy only glasses with a thicker hinge than the tiny ones that are really common.
What I break the most often is a connection between them and me. Meaning that I forget them somewhere or simply drop them without noticing.