What do i mean with native: spacing, colors, etc. are internally variables

  • Aceticon@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    13 hours ago

    I have this small bottle of olive oil with white truffles.

    You only use a tiny bit of it at a time, only at the very end of cooking (otherwise the soft parts of the aroma just evaporate) and in my experience with it, it really only works well with beef and mushrooms (the best spaghetti bolognese I ever ate was when I tried adding this stuff to a normal bollognese sauce recipe).

    In practice it’s not really expensive because even a small bottle will last ages since you use very little of it at a time (I often use it for steak, and the actual meat is several times more expensive than the few droplets of it I use to give it a twist).

    But yeah, I bet the nouveau riche types just use it (in all the wrong ways) because they think that’s the kind of thing rich people are supposed use (same with stuff like caviar - which by the way is not really that impressive - or lobster - less tasty than normal shrimp, IMHO). It dovetails with another thing I notice when living in Britain about how people dress: the people from old money actually dress in quite simple looking ways, but their clothing is all good quality, whilst the ones gaudilly dressed and ostentatiously displaying expensive jewelry and branded luxury goods are either, nouveau rich (i.e. money without the actual educational and cultural background) people who think they’re rich but have no idea just how far from real wealth they are and people trying to immitate how they think the rich look like.

    • Akasazh@feddit.nl
      11 hours ago

      Yeah there can be oils and mayo that actually contains truffels, but on the whole they are usually artificially flavored.

      Real truffels are intense in flavor, but don’t block out other flavor like those artificial flavors. It can be an awesome additive, but due to being expensive it’s often over used. In the type of money over substance way you described.