I’ve been quite busy this past week so still reading The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida and listening to Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents. Both are excellent!
I’ve been on a small hiatus, haven’t found the motivation to read, but right now I’m reading James Joyce’s Ulysses alongside Branislav Nušić’s Autobiography. There is basically two years between the novels!
I’m on my first book in German! I have been studying the language for a while, but I finally went for it. Progress is slow, and quite some details are literally lost in translation, but I am enjoying “the judge and his executioner” by Duerenmatt.
The first time is always hard, but it’s a neat feeling, isn’t it? I don’t even really mind that I don’t understand everything. I’m just happy I can understand something.
Duerrnmatt has some things that could make it challenging for a first read, too. But there’s so much fun stuff to read in German.