For me, it would be The Expanse, and Dark

(I am hopping to get recommendations for some good scifi shows I haven’t been introduced to from here)

    1 year ago

    Everything I was going to say has already been mentioned, some numerous times: The Expanse, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, Firefly, Farscape, Fringe, Altered Carbon season 1, Dark Matter, Killjoys, Twelve Monkeys.

    So may I offer up Timeless and Warehouse 13? Both character-focussed and on the lighter side, but also dealing occasionally with some pretty deep character arcs. And they were just FUN (especially Warehouse 13).

    Also, more recently I really enjoyed The Peripheral (though I would have preferred a proper ending, rather than the dangling threads we were left with - especially since, at the time, we didn’t know if there would be a second season).

    ETA: Oh, and I haven’t seen any Star Wars shows mentioned besides Andor - which was admittedly fantastic. But my favourite Star Wars TV series are SW: Rebels and SW:The Clone Wars. The latter because it added so much depth to Anakin and Obi-Wan, along with many other characters, and also gave us great new characters like Ahsoka and Wrex. And Rebels holds a place in my heart - many of my favourite Star Wars characters come from that series (Hera, Kanan, Sabine… and Chopper!)

      1 year ago

      Babylon 5 is still one of my most favourite sci-fi series. There is a Babylon 5 animated movie being released soon, B5: The Road Home and i’m dying to see it.

      Also Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, tonight is the first episode of season 2. It encapsulates what the original star trek felt like, and i like it.

    1 year ago

    I think this is a hard question, if you put a gun to my head I would likely choose the 2000’s version of Battlestar Galactica even though I don’t necessarily feel great about the final episodes. Unless other mini-series that didn’t become tv shows aired on the Sci-Fi channel count, then I’d probably pick Frank Herbert’s Dune.

      1 year ago

      I’m definitely in the minority but i didn’t like the 2000’s version which crammed BG with Terminator. I prefer the original series and story in which the Cylons were a technological remnant of a reptilian race who vanished hundreds of years before they encountered the human race, possibly due to a software bug turning the machines against them. I feel they should have just created their own stories and characters instead.