Another week another thread. Whatcha y’all playing? And why is it Baldur’s gate 3?

    1 year ago

    While everyone has been talking about Baldur’s Gate 3, I decided to cave in and started a replay of Divinity: Original Sin 2. Well, yea, I got a ten years old PC and a Ps4!

    Still, what an excellent game. The easy mode goes well since the battlefields are chaotic, there’s not a single combat that I go through that doesn’t involve 1)Setting everything on fire 2)Shocking a large portion of the characters 3)Poisoning a large portion of the characters 4)Mixing all that because elemental interaction exists (Poison + Fire makes NECROFIRE which is a harsh and often deadly punishment)

    But the questing and adventuring still stands out well. This is a game that has a somewhat large map, but unlike most open world fillers its a dense map. Every corner has a named NPC with a little trouble to solve, and there’s no “random cave with nameless mobs” to venture into; Every single place you can go has a little lore, a little story, something important that makes the world feel alive.

    Its no surprise Larian has been taking the world by storm lately, and I’m glad this has aged so well so folks can try an original setting whenever the BG3 hype cools down.